The prices of one-period, real default-free government bonds are likely to be most sensitive to changes in:
A.investors’ inflation expectations.
B.the expected volatility of economic growth.
C.the covariance between investors’ inter-temporal rates of substitution and the expected future prices of the bonds.
B is correct.
Only changes in default-free real interest rates will affect the price of real, default-free bonds. The average level of default-free real interest rates is positively related to the volatility of economic growth in the economy; thus, changes in the expected volatility of economic growth would likely lead to changes in real default-free real interest rates, which in turn would affect the prices of real, default-free government bonds.
考点:Discount Rate on Real Default-free Bonds
A, real bonds不会受到通货膨胀的影响,nominal bonds才会。
B,volatility of economic growth影响分母l,即real default-free interest rate,所以B正确
C,one-period的债券价格不受covariance的影响,因为one-period default free bond的covariance=0。只有多期债券才会受covariance影响。
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