NO.PZ2020010801000032 问题如下 The sample meis OLS estimator of the mol Yi=α+ϵiY_i = \alpha + \epsilon_iYi=α+ϵi. Whes the BLUE property imply about the meestimator? The sample meestimator is the BLUE because it is a specicase of OLS if the ta are homoscesti 这个道题是不是意味着y 和x 没有线性关系,那怎么用OLS求meestimator呢?
NO.PZ2020010801000032问题如下The sample meis OLS estimator of the mol Yi=α+ϵiY_i = \alpha + \epsilon_iYi=α+ϵi. Whes the BLUE property imply about the meestimator?The sample meestimator is the BLUE because it is a specicase of OLS if the ta are homoscestic.老师好,有两个问题1、这个方程都没有X,也就是Y就是一个常数加扰动项,这是用ols估计法得出的无偏估计?不太明白。2、红色框里,为什么“线性”只是说明估计量是随机变量?不是线性就不是随机变量了吗?您可以举个例子吗?
NO.PZ2020010801000032 老师。我理解blue的性质,这里具体对应哪一条?