To better advise the firm’s clients on the likelihood of
currency crises, Analyst Kwantries to formulate an early warning system for the
episodes of currency crises. She recognizes that a typical currency crisis
tends to be triggered by a number of economic problems, not just one.
incorrect, because
there are few historical crises involving currencies of countries with sound
economic fundamentals
incorrect, because
there are few historical episodes in which a sudden adverse shift in market sentiment
occurs that is unrelated to economic fundamentals
Even countries with sound economic
fundamentals can be subjectto a currency crisis, including instances when
market sentiment shifts for noneconomic reasons.
No.PZ2018091706000065 (选择题)
To better advise the firm’s clients on the likelihood of currency crises, Analyst Kwantries to formulate an early warning system for the episodes of currency crises. She recognizes that a typical currency crisis tends to be triggered by a number of economic problems, not just one.
正确答案是: A
不正确incorrect, because there are few historical crises involving currencies of countries with sound economic fundamentals
incorrect, because there are few historical episodes in which a sudden adverse shift in market sentiment occurs that is unrelated to economic fundamentals
课里不是说了,货币危机是突然发生的,往往是无法预测的。 currency crisis will occur with little evidence of deteriorate economic fundamentals.