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宝宝包包 · 2020年02月05日



Doug Kepler, the newly hired chief financial officer for the City of Radford, asks the deputy financial manager, Hui Ng, to prepare an analysis of the current investment portfolio and the city’s current and future obligations. The city has multiple liabilities of different amounts and maturities relating to the pension fund, infrastructure repairs, and various other obligations.

Ng observes that the current fixed-income portfolio is structured to match the duration of each liability. Previously, this structure caused the city to access a line of credit for temporary mismatches resulting from changes in the term structure of interest rates

Kepler asks Ng for different strategies to manage the interest rate risk of the city’s fixed-income investment portfolio against one-time shifts in the yield curve. Ng considers two different strategies:

Strategy 1: Immunization of the single liabilities using zero-coupon bonds held to maturity

Strategy 2: Immunization of the single liabilities using coupon-bearing bonds while continuously matching duration.

The effects of a non-parallel shift in the yield curve on Strategy 2 can be reduced by:



minimizing the convexity of the bond portfolio.


maximizing the cash flow yield of the bond portfolio.


minimizing the difference between liability duration and bond-portfolio duration.


A is correct.

Minimizing the convexity of the bond portfolio minimizes the dispersion of the bond portfolio. A non-parallel shift in the yield curve may result in changes in the bond portfolio’s cash flow yield. In summary, the characteristics of a bond portfolio structured to immunize a single liability are that it (1) has an initial market value that equals or exceeds the present value of the liability, (2) has a portfolio Macaulay duration that matches the liability’s due date, and (3) minimizes the portfolio convexity statistic.

我感觉这个题和答案有点奇怪啊,non-parallel shift 造成的是structural risk,应该用zero-coupon bond来解决。

convexity和non-parallel分别是造成 immunization risk的两个原因呀,感觉这三个选项都不对啊

1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2020年02月06日


“non-parallel shift 造成的是structural risk,应该用zero-coupon bond来解决。”

用Zero-coupon bond来匹配单期负债,的确是最完美的匹配,他是没有任何匹配风险的。

当我们无法在市场上找到合适的Zero-coupon bond来匹配负债时,我们就只能构建一个附息债券Bond portfolio来匹配单期负债。

所以,非平行移动时,用附息债券组合来匹配单期负债,多多少少都是有Structural risk的,即非平行移动时,资产与负债不匹配的风险。

为了尽可能地降低Structural risk,我们就想办法让附息债券组合的表现足够地像零息债券的表现,这样我们就仿佛再用零息债券匹配单期负债一样。



因为零息债券匹配是完美、无风险的,所以用附息债券组合匹配时,越是像零息债券,Structural risk就越小。


债券的现金流越集中,反映出来的债券Convexity数据越小;同时,附息债券组合的现金流足够地集中,匹配时Structural risk就越小;

所以我们可以总结为:匹配时,债券资产的Convexity数据越小,非平行移动时面临的Structural risk就越小。

所以这道题的题目问:对Strategy 2做什么样的条件,可以降低非平行移动时产生的影响?

从上面的分析中可以知道,我们要尽可能地降低匹配资产的Convexity数据,就能尽可能地降低Structural risk,于是选A。

“convexity和non-parallel分别是造成 immunization risk的两个原因呀”

在其他教材(包括18年以前的CFA教材)里确实有Non-parallel shift会造成Immunization risk;


刚刚回答了一个Structural risk与Convexity的问题,可以参考:http://class.pzacademy.com/qa/questions/48028



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NO.PZ2019103001000033 maximizing the cash flow yielof the bonportfolio. minimizing the fferenbetween liability ration anbonportfolio ration. A is correct. Minimizing the convexity of the bonportfolio minimizes the spersion of the bonportfolio. A non-parallel shift in the yielcurve mresult in changes in the bonportfolio’s cash flow yiel In summary, the characteristiof a bonportfolio structureto immunize a single liability are thit (1) hinitimarket value thequals or excee the present value of the liability, (2) ha portfolio Macaulration thmatches the liability’s e te, an(3) minimizes the portfolio convexity statisti​为了降低Structurrisk(Non-parallel时,资产不匹配负债的风险),我们就要选择Convexity最小的债券但是这应该是在ration匹配的基础上再选convexity最小啊

2022-01-14 17:49 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000033 No.PZ2019103001000033 (选择题) 来源: 原版书 ug Kepler, the newly hirechief financiofficer for the City of Raor asks the puty financimanager, Hui Ng, to prepare analysis of the current investment portfolio anthe city’s current anfuture obligations. The city hmultiple liabilities of fferent amounts anmaturities relating to the pension fun infrastructure repairs, anvarious other obligations. Ng observes ththe current fixeincome portfolio is structureto matthe ration of ealiability. Previously, this structure causethe city to access a line of cret for temporary mismatches resulting from changes in the term structure of interest rates Kepler asks Ng for fferent strategies to manage the interest rate risk of the city’s fixeincome investment portfolio against one-time shifts in the yielcurve. Ng consirs two fferent strategies: Strategy 1: Immunization of the single liabilities using zero-coupon bon helto maturity Strategy 2: Immunization of the single liabilities using coupon-bearing bon while continuously matching ration. The effects of a non-parallel shift in the yielcurve on Strategy 2 creceby: 您的回答正确答案是: A A 正确minimizing the convexity of the bonportfolio. B maximizing the cash flow yielof the bonportfolio. C minimizing the fferenbetween liability ration anbonportfolio ration. A能选,为啥B不能选,根据convexity的公式,当CFY增加的时候convexity 减小,最大化CFY也可以是认为最小化convexity啊

2022-01-09 00:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019103001000033 平行移动的话没有影响吗?对ration和凸度有没有影响?

2021-07-26 20:29 2 · 回答

请问题目中不是说针对multiple liabilities吗?那么为何是选择convexity最小的状况呢?

2020-03-12 21:16 1 · 回答

maximizing the cash flow yielof the bonportfolio. minimizing the fferenbetween liability ration anbonportfolio ration. A is correct. Minimizing the convexity of the bonportfolio minimizes the spersion of the bonportfolio. A non-parallel shift in the yielcurve mresult in changes in the bonportfolio’s cash flow yiel In summary, the characteristiof a bonportfolio structureto immunize a single liability are thit (1) hinitimarket value thequals or excee the present value of the liability, (2) ha portfolio Macaulration thmatches the liability’s e te, an(3) minimizes the portfolio convexity statisti对于yielcurve非平行移动,不是首先解决的是ration match,在ration match的情况下,再最小化convexity嘛?所以C为啥是错的?

2020-02-20 18:58 2 · 回答