Genovia has recently introduced a new accounting statute. In Genovia, there is an independent regulator—"Le régulateur." Le régulateur is not a self-regulating organization (SRO). There is also an SRO—"L’organisation." L’organisation is not an independent regulator.
In her research report, Stephenson makes the following statements:
Statement 1: Le régulateur has been given legal authority by the government to enforce the new statute.
Statement 2: L’organisation issues administrative regulations related to the new statute using government funding.
解析:因为"Le régulateur"是独立的regulator,因此它是获得政府机构授权的,所以有资格制定并实施准则,所以说法一正确。
但是" L’organisation 是SOR, 是SOR就不能依赖于政府的出资来运作。所以说法二不正确。本题A选项入选(只有Statement 1正确)。
Statement 1正确可以理解,但是Statement 2根据题干中表示L’organisation is a SRO and is not an independent regulator,既然都不独立那么其就可以依赖于政府的出资来运作,答案是否有误?谢谢!