NO.PZ202001210200000106问题如下 Baseon Observation 1, fiscanmonetary policies in Country Y will most likely leto:A.low nominrates.B.high nominrates.C.either high or low nominrates.C is correct. Monetary polihbeen persistently loose for Country Y, while fiscpolicies have been persistently tight. With this combination of persistently loose antight policies, the impacoulleto higher or lower nominrates (typically labeleminominrates). 解析:Y国的货币政策持续宽松(预期通胀上升),财政政策持续紧缩(真实利率下降)。由于持续的宽松和紧缩政策(货币和财政政策并不一致),其影响可能导致名义利率上升或下降(通常被称为中间名义利率)。因此只有C正确。宽松的货币政策 inflation下降吧?是不是答案写反了
NO.PZ202001210200000106问题如下Baseon Observation 1, fiscanmonetary policies in Country Y will most likely leto:A.low nominrates.B.high nominrates.C.either high or low nominrates.C is correct. Monetary polihbeen persistently loose for Country Y, while fiscpolicies have been persistently tight. With this combination of persistently loose antight policies, the impacoulleto higher or lower nominrates (typically labeleminominrates). 解析:Y国的货币政策持续宽松(预期通胀上升),财政政策持续紧缩(真实利率下降)。由于持续的宽松和紧缩政策(货币和财政政策并不一致),其影响可能导致名义利率上升或下降(通常被称为中间名义利率)。因此只有C正确。麻烦老师解答下,为啥双扩张不可以,是因为双扩张会导致利率上升吗?与扩张的货币政策抵消,谢谢
NO.PZ202001210200000106 问题如下 Baseon Observation 1, fiscanmonetary policies in Country Y will most likely leto: A.low nominrates. B.high nominrates. C.either high or low nominrates. C is correct. Monetary polihbeen persistently loose for Country Y, while fiscpolicies have been persistently tight. With this combination of persistently loose antight policies, the impacoulleto higher or lower nominrates (typically labeleminominrates). 解析:Y国的货币政策持续宽松(预期通胀上升),财政政策持续紧缩(真实利率下降)。由于持续的宽松和紧缩政策(货币和财政政策并不一致),其影响可能导致名义利率上升或下降(通常被称为中间名义利率)。因此只有C正确。 为什么 财政政策持续紧缩,真实利率会下降?
NO.PZ202001210200000106 为什么说fiscpolicies have been persistently tight?文中有说吗