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wendysakura · 2020年01月22日

问一道题:NO.PZ2019122802000024 [ CFA III ]


请问这道题从什么角度去思考?考的是哪个知识点 谢谢

2 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2020年01月23日


这个题目还是在考查hedge fund ,但是所用的知识还是比较综合的。需要用到我们portfolio 这门课里面学到的这几个指标的理解


包包_品职助教 · 2020年01月23日



你看题目中说any hedge fund strategy allocation should: a) limit volatility, b) maximize risk-adjusted returns, and c) limit downside risk.

那你就看这3个hedge fund 里面哪个能够满足这个要求:

首先limit volatility,那就是比较标准差,standardvation 即SD,你看三个基金里面全球宏观的SD是最小的;

其次 maximize risk-adjusted returns,在表格提供的指标里面,sharp ratio 和 sortino ratio 都是衡量 risk-adjusted returns,这个指标越大肯定就越好,三个基金里面,全球宏观的是最大的

最后就是limit downside risk,衡量这个的指标是maxmium drawdown,这个指标越小越好,三个基金里面全球宏观是最小的



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NO.PZ2019122802000024 问题如下 Kloss Investments is investment aiser whose clients are small institutioninvestors. Muskogh Charitable Fountion (the “Fountion”) is a client with $70 million of assets unr management. The Fountion ha trationasset allocation of 65% stocks/35% bon. Risk anreturn characteristifor the Fountion’s current portfolio are presentein Panel A of Exhibit 1.Kloss’ CIO, Christine Singh, recommen to Muskogh’s investment committee thit shoula a 10% allocation to hee fun. The investment committee incates to Singh thMuskogh’s primary consirations for the Fountion’s portfolio are thany hee funstrategy allocation shoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimit wnsi risk.Singh’s associate prepares expecterisk anreturn characteristifor three portfolios thhave allocations of 60% stocks, 30% bon, an10% hee fun, where the 10% hee funallocation follows either equity market-neutral, globmacro, or convertible arbitrage strategy. The risk anreturn characteristiof the three portfolios are presentein Panel B of Exhibit 1.scuss whihee funstrategy Singh shoulview most suitable for meeting the consirations expresseMuskogh’s investment committee. Baseon the investment committee’s consirations, Singh shoulview a 10% allocation to the globmacro hee funstrategy most suitable for the Fountion. Suallocation woulresult in a crease in stanrviation (volatility) ansignificant increases in the combineportfolio’s Sharpe anSortino ratios (these are the highest suratios among the strategies presente. In aition, the lower maximum awwn (15.0%) incates less wnsi risk in the combineportfolio thwith any of the other strategy choices.这道题主要是根据题干中提供的信息来判断你看题目中说any hee funstrategy allocation shoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimit wnsi risk.那你就看这3个hee fun里面哪个能够满足这个要求首先limit volatility,那就是比较标准差,stanration 即S你看三个基金里面全球宏观的S最小的;其次 maximize risk-austereturns,在表格提供的指标里面,sharp ratio 和 sortino ratio 都是衡量 risk-austereturns,这个指标越大肯定就越好,三个基金里面,全球宏观的是最大的最后就是limit wnsi risk,衡量这个的指标是maxmium awwn,这个指标越小越好,三个基金里面全球宏观是最小的所以选择全球宏观。这个题目一方面要看懂题目的意思,另一方面要知道表格里面给出这个指标衡量的是什么意思。知道了这两点就好判断了。 这道题这样答可以吗?还是还需要多写点什么?Globmacro.it hthe lowest volatility (limit volatility), highest Sortino ratio (maximize risk-austereturns), anlowest maximum awwn (limit wnsi risk).

2024-03-31 07:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000024 问题如下 Kloss Investments is investment aiser whose clients are small institutioninvestors. Muskogh Charitable Fountion (the “Fountion”) is a client with $70 million of assets unr management. The Fountion ha trationasset allocation of 65% stocks/35% bon. Risk anreturn characteristifor the Fountion’s current portfolio are presentein Panel A of Exhibit 1.Kloss’ CIO, Christine Singh, recommen to Muskogh’s investment committee thit shoula a 10% allocation to hee fun. The investment committee incates to Singh thMuskogh’s primary consirations for the Fountion’s portfolio are thany hee funstrategy allocation shoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimit wnsi risk.Singh’s associate prepares expecterisk anreturn characteristifor three portfolios thhave allocations of 60% stocks, 30% bon, an10% hee fun, where the 10% hee funallocation follows either equity market-neutral, globmacro, or convertible arbitrage strategy. The risk anreturn characteristiof the three portfolios are presentein Panel B of Exhibit 1.scuss whihee funstrategy Singh shoulview most suitable for meeting the consirations expresseMuskogh’s investment committee. Baseon the investment committee’s consirations, Singh shoulview a 10% allocation to the globmacro hee funstrategy most suitable for the Fountion. Suallocation woulresult in a crease in stanrviation (volatility) ansignificant increases in the combineportfolio’s Sharpe anSortino ratios (these are the highest suratios among the strategies presente. In aition, the lower maximum awwn (15.0%) incates less wnsi risk in the combineportfolio thwith any of the other strategy choices.这道题主要是根据题干中提供的信息来判断你看题目中说any hee funstrategy allocation shoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimit wnsi risk.那你就看这3个hee fun里面哪个能够满足这个要求首先limit volatility,那就是比较标准差,stanration 即S你看三个基金里面全球宏观的S最小的;其次 maximize risk-austereturns,在表格提供的指标里面,sharp ratio 和 sortino ratio 都是衡量 risk-austereturns,这个指标越大肯定就越好,三个基金里面,全球宏观的是最大的最后就是limit wnsi risk,衡量这个的指标是maxmium awwn,这个指标越小越好,三个基金里面全球宏观是最小的所以选择全球宏观。这个题目一方面要看懂题目的意思,另一方面要知道表格里面给出这个指标衡量的是什么意思。知道了这两点就好判断了。 如果万一考试没有这个表,就按照这三个策略的概念对比来说的话,是不是EMN更符合那三个要求?

2024-01-20 23:26 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000024 问题如下 Kloss Investments is investment aiser whose clients are small institutioninvestors. Muskogh Charitable Fountion (the “Fountion”) is a client with $70 million of assets unr management. The Fountion ha trationasset allocation of 65% stocks/35% bon. Risk anreturn characteristifor the Fountion’s current portfolio are presentein Panel A of Exhibit 1.Kloss’ CIO, Christine Singh, recommen to Muskogh’s investment committee thit shoula a 10% allocation to hee fun. The investment committee incates to Singh thMuskogh’s primary consirations for the Fountion’s portfolio are thany hee funstrategy allocation shoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimit wnsi risk.Singh’s associate prepares expecterisk anreturn characteristifor three portfolios thhave allocations of 60% stocks, 30% bon, an10% hee fun, where the 10% hee funallocation follows either equity market-neutral, globmacro, or convertible arbitrage strategy. The risk anreturn characteristiof the three portfolios are presentein Panel B of Exhibit 1.scuss whihee funstrategy Singh shoulview most suitable for meeting the consirations expresseMuskogh’s investment committee. Baseon the investment committee’s consirations, Singh shoulview a 10% allocation to the globmacro hee funstrategy most suitable for the Fountion. Suallocation woulresult in a crease in stanrviation (volatility) ansignificant increases in the combineportfolio’s Sharpe anSortino ratios (these are the highest suratios among the strategies presente. In aition, the lower maximum awwn (15.0%) incates less wnsi risk in the combineportfolio thwith any of the other strategy choices.这道题主要是根据题干中提供的信息来判断你看题目中说any hee funstrategy allocation shoul limit volatility, maximize risk-austereturns, anlimit wnsi risk.那你就看这3个hee fun里面哪个能够满足这个要求首先limit volatility,那就是比较标准差,stanration 即S你看三个基金里面全球宏观的S最小的;其次 maximize risk-austereturns,在表格提供的指标里面,sharp ratio 和 sortino ratio 都是衡量 risk-austereturns,这个指标越大肯定就越好,三个基金里面,全球宏观的是最大的最后就是limit wnsi risk,衡量这个的指标是maxmium awwn,这个指标越小越好,三个基金里面全球宏观是最小的所以选择全球宏观。这个题目一方面要看懂题目的意思,另一方面要知道表格里面给出这个指标衡量的是什么意思。知道了这两点就好判断了。 globmacro hee funstrategy is most suitable.the portfolio with a 10% hee funto globmacro ha lowest S8.55% with limitevolatility anhighest risk-austereturns sharpe ratio ansortino ratio anlowest maximum awwn with limitewnsi risk.

2023-05-14 11:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000024 为什么limitewnsi risk 是maximum awwn呀

2022-03-06 12:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2019122802000024 为什么这里不是用limitewnsi risk去判断sortino ratio大啊。

2022-03-06 12:30 2 · 回答