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Churning · 2020年01月11日



Which of the following statements is most correct?



A firm has high dividend payout ratio identify its stocks with high earnings growth rates.


A firm has low price to cash flow per share ratio identify its stocks with high earnings growth rates.


A firm's book value to market value ratio is low that identify its stocks with high earnings growth rates.


C is correct.

A high growth rate firm's equity will tend to have higher market values than book value.

option A: High dividend payout ratios means companys are mature and do not have a lot of opportunities for growth.

option B: Low price to cash flow ratios ususally indicate value stocks rather than growth stocks.


1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2020年01月12日



B:低P/CF比率的公司说明其盈利增长率较高。低P/CF比率说明CF高、P低,一般成熟型的公司会表现出这个特征,现金流会很充足。成熟型的公司earning growth rate会比较低,所以选项B说法也不对。



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NO.PZ2016012102000173问题如下 Whiof the following statements is most correct?A.A firm hhigh vinpayout ratio intify its stocks with high earnings growth rates.B.A firm hlow prito cash flow per share ratio intify its stocks with high earnings growth rates.C.A firm's book value to market value ratio is low thintify its stocks with high earnings growth rates. C is correct.A high growth rate firm's equity will tento have higher market values thbook value.option High vinpayout ratios means companys are mature an not have a lot of opportunities for growth.option Low prito cash flow ratios ususally incate value stocks rather thgrowth stocks. 考点财务比率的内涵 A错误,因为高股利支付率的公司把赚到的钱大部分都分给股东了,自己留下的很少,说明公司好的投资机会不多,一般这种公司的增长潜力都不大了,所以盈利增长率会较低。 B错误,因为低P/CF比率说明CF高、P低,一般成熟型的公司会表现出这个特征,现金流会很充足,所以低P/CF比率通常表明是价值股而不是成长股。C正确高增长率公司的股权的市场价值往往比账面价值更高。所以BV/MV会较小。 这个BC的知识点在哪里,好像都没听过啊

2023-03-15 23:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000173 A firm hlow prito cash flow per share ratio intify its stocks with high earnings growth rates. A firm's book value to market value ratio is low thintify its stocks with high earnings growth rates. C is correct. A high growth rate firm's equity will tento have higher market values thbook value. option High vinpayout ratios means companys are mature an not have a lot of opportunities for growth. option Low prito cash flow ratios ususally incate value stocks rather thgrowth stocks. 如题。。。。。。。。。。

2021-10-09 00:18 2 · 回答

老师 高的分红支付率也是因为高的收入增长率导致的 为什么不能选A 实际这是考察的是一种综合的报表解读能力吗?而不是某个特定的知识点?

2020-01-30 16:14 1 · 回答