源_品职助教 · 2020年01月15日
· 2021年02月20日
老师,根据你的答复: 1)基准利率上升,市场收益率上升,汇率上升。 2)通胀率上升,市场收益率上升,汇率下降。 但感觉有点矛盾,市场收益率都上升了,为什么汇率变化相反?
NO.PZ2016010802000157问题如下A country thmaintains a target exchange rate is most likely to have whioutcome when its inflation rate rises above the level of the inflation rate in the target country?A.increase in short-term interest rates.B.increase in the mestic money supply.C.increase in its foreign currenreserves.is correct.Interest rates are expecteto rise to protethe exchange rate target.本国通胀上涨超过了目标国会导致本国的汇率上升。通胀上升会导致本国货币贬值,为了保证本国货币不贬值,必须实施一个紧缩的货币政策。A提高短期利率入选。B增加货币供给是一个扩张的货币政策,利率下降,不入选。C增加外汇储备和本题无关。不入选。现在汇率升了,为了维持target exchange rate,不应该降汇率吗?
NO.PZ2016010802000157 问题如下 A country thmaintains a target exchange rate is most likely to have whioutcome when its inflation rate rises above the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.increase in short-term interest rates. B.increase in the mestic money supply. C.increase in its foreign currenreserves. is correct.Interest rates are expecteto rise to protethe exchange rate target.本国通胀上涨超过了目标国会导致本国的汇率上升。通胀上升会导致本国货币贬值,为了保证本国货币不贬值,必须实施一个紧缩的货币政策。A提高短期利率入选。B增加货币供给是一个扩张的货币政策,利率下降,不入选。C增加外汇储备和本题无关。不入选。 为什么本国通胀上涨超过了目标国会导致本国的汇率上升?又为什么通胀上升会导致本国货币贬值?
NO.PZ2016010802000157 问题如下 A country thmaintains a target exchange rate is most likely to have whioutcome when its inflation rate rises above the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.increase in short-term interest rates. B.increase in the mestic money supply. C.increase in its foreign currenreserves. is correct.Interest rates are expecteto rise to protethe exchange rate target.本国通胀上涨超过了目标国会导致本国的汇率上升。通胀上升会导致本国货币贬值,为了保证本国货币不贬值,必须实施一个紧缩的货币政策。A提高短期利率入选。B增加货币供给是一个扩张的货币政策,利率下降,不入选。C增加外汇储备和本题无关。不入选。 1. 为什么要提高短期利率?短期利率提高,长期利率不变,Interest sprea变小了,那就有可能导致经济衰退,经济预期就不好了呀。所以是不是应该提高长期利率?2. 通胀高了,本币汇率就下降了,这个时候如果央行增加外币持有量,就可以给本币汇率托底,那C为什么不对呢?谢谢老师。
NO.PZ2016010802000157 问题如下 A country thmaintains a target exchange rate is most likely to have whioutcome when its inflation rate rises above the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.increase in short-term interest rates. B.increase in the mestic money supply. C.increase in its foreign currenreserves. is correct.Interest rates are expecteto rise to protethe exchange rate target.本国通胀上涨超过了目标国会导致本国的汇率上升。通胀上升会导致本国货币贬值,为了保证本国货币不贬值,必须实施一个紧缩的货币政策。A提高短期利率入选。B增加货币供给是一个扩张的货币政策,利率下降,不入选。C增加外汇储备和本题无关。不入选。 RT
NO.PZ2016010802000157 问题如下 A country thmaintains a target exchange rate is most likely to have whioutcome when its inflation rate rises above the level of the inflation rate in the target country? A.increase in short-term interest rates. B.increase in the mestic money supply. C.increase in its foreign currenreserves. is correct.Interest rates are expecteto rise to protethe exchange rate target.本国通胀上涨超过了目标国会导致本国的汇率上升。通胀上升会导致本国货币贬值,为了保证本国货币不贬值,必须实施一个紧缩的货币政策。A提高短期利率入选。B增加货币供给是一个扩张的货币政策,利率下降,不入选。C增加外汇储备和本题无关。不入选。 通胀不是本国的货币多了么,钱多了,借钱成本(短期利率)降低才对。不太懂