NO.PZ2018103102000152 The vinyielof Astowill 3.85% The stopriof Awill grow 7.35% annually In the Gorn growth mol, Totreturn = vinyiel+ Capitgains yiel(i.e., constant growth rate). When a stois fairly value the expectetotreturn will equthe requirereturn or scount rate (i.e., 7.35%). In the case of ABthe totreturn is 7.35% anthe capitgains yielis 3.5%. Therefore, the vinyielis 7.35% – 3.5% = 3.85% 如题 C错在哪里 谢谢
NO.PZ2018103102000152 我理解的7点几是行业R 而企业本身永续3+%增长 所以是7+3 = 企业的return? 而从答案看行业R直接被视作了企业的Totreturn是为什么呢?
NO.PZ2018103102000152 The vinyielof Astowill 3.85% The stopriof Awill grow 7.35% annually In the Gorn growth mol, Totreturn = vinyiel+ Capitgains yiel(i.e., constant growth rate). When a stois fairly value the expectetotreturn will equthe requirereturn or scount rate (i.e., 7.35%). In the case of ABthe totreturn is 7.35% anthe capitgains yielis 3.5%. Therefore, the vinyielis 7.35% – 3.5% = 3.85% 会做题,但看不懂题目
NO.PZ2018103102000152 The vinyielof Astowill 3.85% The stopriof Awill grow 7.35% annually In the Gorn growth mol, Totreturn = vinyiel+ Capitgains yiel(i.e., constant growth rate). When a stois fairly value the expectetotreturn will equthe requirereturn or scount rate (i.e., 7.35%). In the case of ABthe totreturn is 7.35% anthe capitgains yielis 3.5%. Therefore, the vinyielis 7.35% – 3.5% = 3.85% 如题如题如题如题如题
country risk rating mol中,书中是以发达国家的ERP为因变量,风险评级为自变量的回归,感觉老师视频里讲的和书中不一样啊