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ffflo · 2019年12月30日



Marion asks his investment manager for advice regarding his retired aunt, Lily Cornell, age 70.Women in Cornell’s family generally have long life history and healthy lifestyle. She needs a stable income stream to cover her current and future expenses. Marion is concerned about she will outlive her assets. Based on Marion’s concerns, which type of investment should investment manager recommend for her?



The whole Life insurance


Immediate fixed annuity


Universal life insurance


B is correct.

考点: Annuity

解析Lily已经70岁了她担心长寿风险;并且需要一个可以稳定覆盖目前和未来支出的收入来源Immediate fixed annuity相当于今天用一笔钱换取只要她还活着就有的收入的承诺因此 Immediate fixed annuity是最合适的选择

老师你好,我的理解是:这道题主要考选择年金还是寿险,因为她怕活太久,所以选年金。不管寿险的universal多灵活,都不在考虑范围之内。Universal的灵活体现在保费可以给多或者给少,且可以参与投资,但老人家已经没收入交保费了,所以universal的灵活不适用? 我一开始的想法是想选ALDA,老人家越老可能会有更巨额的花销,所以才想着“flexible”可能更好。 请问我的自我纠正思路正确吗?

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年12月31日




粉红豹 · 2020年01月28日

老师,这道题如果有ALDA选项的话,是不能选的吧?因为题目说的是 cover “current” and future expenses,而ALDA是cover非常非常老的时候,不满足题目要求呀?

包包_品职助教 · 2020年01月29日


粉红豹 · 2020年01月29日


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NO.PZ2018091705000089问题如下 Marion asks his investment manager for airegarng his retireaunt, Lily Cornell, age 70.Women in Cornell’s family generally have long life history anhealthy lifestyle. She nee a stable income streto cover her current anfuture expenses. Marion is concerneabout she will outlive her assets. Baseon Marion’s concerns, whitype of investment should investment manager recommenfor her? The whole Life insurance Immeate fixeannuity Universlife insuran B is correct. 考点: Annuity 解析:Lily已经70岁了,她担心长寿风险;并且需要一个可以稳定覆盖目前和未来支出的收入来源。Immeate fixeannuity,相当于今天用一笔钱换取只要她还活着就有的收入的承诺。因此&#xFF0Immeate fixeannuity是最合适的选择。 为啥不选a和c呢。。。

2024-07-27 12:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000089 问题如下 Marion asks his investment manager for airegarng his retireaunt, Lily Cornell, age 70.Women in Cornell’s family generally have long life history anhealthy lifestyle. She nee a stable income streto cover her current anfuture expenses. Marion is concerneabout she will outlive her assets. Baseon Marion’s concerns, whitype of investment should investment manager recommenfor her? The whole Life insurance Immeate fixeannuity Universlife insuran B is correct. 考点: Annuity 解析:Lily已经70岁了,她担心长寿风险;并且需要一个可以稳定覆盖目前和未来支出的收入来源。Immeate fixeannuity,相当于今天用一笔钱换取只要她还活着就有的收入的承诺。因此&#xFF0Immeate fixeannuity是最合适的选择。 老师请问,如果Whole life insuran是 permanent life insuran的一种,可理解为最普通的寿险,每期的premium固定。每期固定的premium并且覆盖被保人的整个生命周期,不是很符合Lily的需要吗?为何不能选A

2022-08-29 14:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000089 Immeate fixeannuity Universlife insuran B is correct. 考点: Annuity 解析Lily已经70岁了,她担心长寿风险;并且需要一个可以稳定覆盖目前和未来支出的收入来源。Immeate fixeannuity,相当于今天用一笔钱换取只要她还活着就有的收入的承诺。因此, Immeate fixeannuity是最合适的选择。 为啥不选a a啥意思啊

2021-10-26 17:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091705000089 Immeate fixeannuity Universlife insuran B is correct. 考点: Annuity 解析Lily已经70岁了,她担心长寿风险;并且需要一个可以稳定覆盖目前和未来支出的收入来源。Immeate fixeannuity,相当于今天用一笔钱换取只要她还活着就有的收入的承诺。因此, Immeate fixeannuity是最合适的选择。 A和C什么区别,请说明,谢谢

2021-05-13 08:47 1 · 回答

Marion asks his investment manager for airegarng his retireaunt, Lily Cornell, age 70.Women in Cornell’s family generally have long life history anhealthy lifestyle. She nee a stable income streto cover her current anfuture expenses. Marion is concerneabout she will outlive her assets. Baseon Marion’s concerns, whitype of investment shoulinvestment manager recommenfor her? The whole Life insuranImmeate fixeannuity Universlife insuran B is correct. 考点: Annuity 解析Lily已经70岁了,她担心长寿风险;并且需要一个可以稳定覆盖目前和未来支出的收入来源。Immeate fixeannuity,相当于今天用一笔钱换取只要她还活着就有的收入的承诺。因此, Immeate fixeannuity是最合适的选择。 想请问一下B没有life这个字眼,怎么确定可以给到死呢?谢谢

2020-11-03 11:48 2 · 回答