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stoutsoul · 2019年12月17日


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2. Based upon Exhibit 1, capital deepening as a source of growth was most important for:



Country A.


Country B.


Country C.


A is correct.

The associate economist can measure the effect of pure capital deepening by measuring the difference of the growth rates of labor productivity and total factor productivity (TFP). The larger the difference, the more important capital deepening is as a source of economic   growth. From 2000–2010, Country A’s labor productivity grew by 2.4% per year, of which 0.6% came from TFP growth and 1.8% from capital deepening (2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%).

考点Cobb-Douglas production function 的变形公式



Growth rate of labor productivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capital deepening假设劳动力恒定不变

capital deepening%=y/y-T/T

最后计算结果是A国的数值最高(2.4% –  0.6% = 1.8%).这就表明A国对于资本深化最依赖,资本深化对于该国经济增长的贡献最大。





1 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2019年12月17日





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NO.PZ201512020800000402 问题如下 2. Baseupon Exhibit 1, capitepening a sourof growth wmost important for: A.Country B.Country C.Country A is correct.The associate economist cmeasure the effeof pure capitepening measuring the fferenof the growth rates of labor proctivity antotfactor proctivity (TFP). The larger the fference, the more important capitepening is a sourof economi growth. From 2000–2010, Country A’s labor proctivity grew 2.4% per year, of whi0.6% came from TFP growth an1.8% from capitepening (2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%). 考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式一国人均产出也就是劳动效率的增加来自于两个方面资本深化以及技术的进步Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T最后计算结果是A国的数值最高(2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%).这就表明A国对于资本深化最依赖,资本深化对于该国经济增长的贡献最大。 上课讲的第一个变形公式是乘积形式y=T·k的阿尔法次方,这道题又进一步变形为加和的形式?

2023-06-11 22:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000402 问题如下 2. Baseupon Exhibit 1, capitepening a sourof growth wmost important for: A.Country B.Country C.Country A is correct.The associate economist cmeasure the effeof pure capitepening measuring the fferenof the growth rates of labor proctivity antotfactor proctivity (TFP). The larger the fference, the more important capitepening is a sourof economi growth. From 2000–2010, Country A’s labor proctivity grew 2.4% per year, of whi0.6% came from TFP growth an1.8% from capitepening (2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%). 考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式一国人均产出也就是劳动效率的增加来自于两个方面资本深化以及技术的进步Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T最后计算结果是A国的数值最高(2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%).这就表明A国对于资本深化最依赖,资本深化对于该国经济增长的贡献最大。 依据Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening和capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T公式那不是应该0.9%=2.4%+X吗不是算出来负的吗?

2023-02-06 22:17 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000402 问题如下 2. Baseupon Exhibit 1, capitepening a sourof growth wmost important for: A.Country B.Country C.Country A is correct.The associate economist cmeasure the effeof pure capitepening measuring the fferenof the growth rates of labor proctivity antotfactor proctivity (TFP). The larger the fference, the more important capitepening is a sourof economi growth. From 2000–2010, Country A’s labor proctivity grew 2.4% per year, of whi0.6% came from TFP growth an1.8% from capitepening (2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%). 考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式一国人均产出也就是劳动效率的增加来自于两个方面资本深化以及技术的进步Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T最后计算结果是A国的数值最高(2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%).这就表明A国对于资本深化最依赖,资本深化对于该国经济增长的贡献最大。 根据y=Tk^a,可以得知△y/y=△T/T+a△K/k,这个式子应该是对的吧,那为什么题目中没有给出a,而答案可以直接令a=1呢?

2022-11-25 14:21 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000402问题如下 2. Baseupon Exhibit 1, capitepening a sourof growth wmost important for:A.Country A.B.Country B.C.Country C. A is correct.The associate economist cmeasure the effeof pure capitepening measuring the fferenof the growth rates of labor proctivity antotfactor proctivity (TFP). The larger the fference, the more important capitepening is a sourof economi growth. From 2000–2010, Country A’s labor proctivity grew 2.4% per year, of whi0.6% came from TFP growth an1.8% from capitepening (2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%). 考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式一国人均产出也就是劳动效率的增加来自于两个方面资本深化以及技术的进步Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T最后计算结果是A国的数值最高(2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%).这就表明A国对于资本深化最依赖,资本深化对于该国经济增长的贡献最大。 按这个方式算出来B=0.8,C=1.1,请问对吗?

2022-09-02 09:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000402问题如下2. Baseupon Exhibit 1, capitepening a sourof growth wmost important for:A.Country A.B.Country B.C.Country C. A is correct.The associate economist cmeasure the effeof pure capitepening measuring the fferenof the growth rates of labor proctivity antotfactor proctivity (TFP). The larger the fference, the more important capitepening is a sourof economi growth. From 2000–2010, Country A’s labor proctivity grew 2.4% per year, of whi0.6% came from TFP growth an1.8% from capitepening (2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%). 考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式一国人均产出也就是劳动效率的增加来自于两个方面资本深化以及技术的进步Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T最后计算结果是A国的数值最高(2.4% – 0.6% = 1.8%).这就表明A国对于资本深化最依赖,资本深化对于该国经济增长的贡献最大。 根据第一个函数 我的理解是,人均产出(y)是取决于资本深化和 科技进步。很明显 科技 和人均资本之间是相乘的关系,答案写相减 我没看懂是啥意思。 而且 为什么不能用 growth in g- growth in tfp - growth in labor proctivity 得到 资本深化, 题目也没有明确说 growth in labour proctivity 是人均 per ca[pita 呀

2022-08-17 14:09 1 · 回答