开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


he123456 · 2019年12月15日



The drawing up of a will is an area of estate planning that requires an individual to have a clear understanding of the tax and succession (or inheritance) laws of any jurisdiction of relevance to the testator. Although an individual may elect to draw up a will, the validity of the will could be subject to various challenges in the probate process. In addition, probate may create sizeable court fees as well as unwelcome publicity and a delay in the distribution of assets.

Describe how an individual can attempt to reduce or even avoid the impact of probate.



There is often a desire to avoid probate as court fees may be sizable, and the process can cause a delay in the transfer of assets to intended beneficiaries. A will can be challenged, and its contents are often a matter of public record, which may concern some wealthy families as it may cause embarrassment or divulge sensitive financial information. Moreover, many problems can arise in probate when multiple jurisdictions are involved. In some instances, probate can be avoided or its impact limited by holding assets in joint ownership (e.g., joint tenancy with right of survivorship), living trusts, retirement plans, or life insurance strategies. Through these structures, ownership transfers without the need for a will, and hence the probate process can be avoided.


1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年12月16日




陈Shelly · 2020年07月31日

就是以下这几句话是吗? joint ownership (e.g., joint tenancy with right of survivorship), living trusts, retirement plans, or life insurance strategies.