A product is part of a price index based on a fixed consumption basket. If, over time, the product’s quality improves while its price stays constant, the measured inflation rate is most likely:
B.biased upward.
C.biased downward.
B is correct.
As the quality of a product improves, it satisfies people’s needs and wants better. The measured inflation rate is skewed higher than otherwise unless an adjustment is made for the increase in the quality of the good. Even if the good’s price had increased over time, the improvements in quality would still bias the measured inflation rate upward.
考点: nflation Measurement
那么经过审慎思考的通胀率( measured inflation rate )就应该上调当前通胀率的数值,以此来反应商品质量的进步。
所以说 bias upward是高估的意思?