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次第花开 · 2019年12月04日



Client Haunani Kealoha has a large fixed obligation due in 10 years. Beade assesses that Kealoha has substantially more funds than are required to meet the fixed obligation. The client wants to earn a competitive risk-adjusted rate of return while maintaining a high level of certainty that there will be sufficient assets to meet the fixed obligation.

The asset allocation approach most appropriate for client Kealoha is best described as:



a surplus optimization approach.


an integrated asset–liability approach.


a hedging/return-seeking portfolios approach.


C is correct.

The hedging/return-seeking portfolios approach is best for this client. Beade should construct two portfolios, one that includes riskless bonds that will pay of the fixed obligation in 10 years and the other a risky portfolio that earns a competitive risk-adjusted return. This approach is a simple two step process of hedging the fixed obligation and then investing the balance of the assets in a return-seeking portfolio.

a surplus optimization approach 和 a hedging/return-seeking portfolios approach的区别? 我觉得surplus 也是能够达到题目提到的目的,麻烦老师了,谢谢

3 个答案

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2021年07月31日


@吱吱猫 如果surplus≤0,此时underfunded,那么surplus optimization的目的就是缩小负值。有效前沿只是一条曲线,它不一定始终在0以上,所以只要能画出有效前沿,无所谓surplus的正负。


Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2019年12月21日


hedging/return-seeking中的return seeking portfolio是获取risk-adjusted return的部分,比如说,如果有两个portfolio给投资者选择,那么投资者肯定会选相同风险下收益率更高的那个portfolio,所以比较简单的方法是分别计算一下Sharpe ratio,选SR更高的组合,这就体现了risk-adjusted。

surplus utility虽然对volitility项做出了惩罚,但是它不能保证fixed obligation大概率满足,因为它是用数量的方法进行最优化求解,求出来的资产配置是surplus utility最大的情况,但是这样的资产配置可能是债券占比比较小的,所以 sufficient assets to meet the fixed obligation 不满足。

吱吱猫 · 2021年07月31日

老师,你好。关于surplus optimization与hedging/return-seeking portfolio的方法没有完全理解透彻。 basic hedging的方法是conservative的,原因是要求overfunded(即surplus>0)。 而surplus optimization却没有这样的要求,如果surplus≤0,该如何做optimization?

Shimin_CPA税法主讲、CFA教研 · 2019年12月04日


surplus optimization 是surplus的效用最大化,是MVO方法的延伸,所以通常是用数学方法最大化utility function。

hedging/return-seeking,拆成了hedging portfolio和return-seeking portfolio,hedging部分用于cover liability,return-seeking部分追求收益。

题目中的信息 The client wants to earn a competitive risk-adjusted rate of return (追求收益)while maintaining a high level of certainty that there will be sufficient assets to meet the fixed obligation  (cover负债),所以有两个目标,是hedging/return-seeking的方法。


macheng42 · 2019年12月21日

老师您好,这道题还是不太明白,计算surplus utility的公式既然已经对volitility项做出了惩罚,我认为这就是risk adjustment。而hedging/return-seeking里只提到了分层,哪里体现了risk-adjusted呢?谢谢