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airakuma · 2017年10月09日

问一道题:NO.PZ2016012102000036 [ CFA I ]请问该题题干和选项都怎么翻译







2 个答案

竹子 · 2017年10月16日


A:discountinued operations是以税后金额报告在NI之前的

B:unusual or infrequent items是以税前金额报告在NI之前的,属于continuing operations.

C:会计政策的变更所造成的改变在利润表中以税后金额报告,在NI之前,extraordinary items之后。

紫轩 · 2019年02月16日


竹子 · 2019年02月17日

同学你好,因为这题的题目改过,所以现在呈现的题目与一年前回复不太相符。现在这一题A选项说的是,这个项目是在line之后(line是指持续经营下的NI),在discounting operation的NI之前,表达是没问题的

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NO.PZ2016012102000036 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is least accurate? A.The nonrecurring items thare reportenet of taxes below net income from continuing operations are the scontinueoperations. B.The nonrecurring items thare reportebefore taxes above net income from continuing operations are the unusuor infrequent items. C.A change in useful life of fixeasset reportethrough retrospective application. A change in accounting estimate is haneprospectively.考点经常性损益题干关于非经常性项目说法有误的一项是?Ascontinueoperations是net of tax而且before net income,这个说法是正确的 Bunusuor infrequent items是before taxes的,也就是税前列示,而且是放在NI from continuing operations科目之前的,这两个特征描述也是正确的C错误固定资产的使用寿命如果改变了,应该追溯调整。错误,因为固定资产使用寿命的改变是会计估计的改变,不用追溯调整。 求助

2023-07-06 15:43 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000036问题如下 Whiof the following statements is least accurate?A.The nonrecurring items thare reportenet of taxes below net income from continuing operations are the scontinueoperations. B.The nonrecurring items thare reportebefore taxes above net income from continuing operations are the unusuor infrequent items.C.A change in useful life of fixeasset reportethrough retrospective application. A change in accounting estimate is haneprospectively.考点经常性损益题干关于非经常性项目说法有误的一项是?Ascontinueoperations是net of tax而且before net income,这个说法是正确的 Bunusuor infrequent items是before taxes的,也就是税前列示,而且是放在NI from continuing operations科目之前的,这两个特征描述也是正确的C错误固定资产的使用寿命如果改变了,应该追溯调整。错误,因为固定资产使用寿命的改变是会计估计的改变,不用追溯调整。 a里说below net income,不是在net income之后的意思吗?

2023-01-26 17:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000036问题如下Whiof the following statements is least accurate?A.The nonrecurring items thare reportenet of taxes below net income from continuing operations are the scontinueoperations. B.The nonrecurring items thare reportebefore taxes above net income from continuing operations are the unusuor infrequent items.C.A change in useful life of fixeasset reportethrough retrospective application. A change in accounting estimate is haneprospectively.考点经常性损益题干关于非经常性项目说法有误的一项是?Ascontinueoperations是net of tax而且before net income,这个说法是正确的 Bunusuor infrequent items是before taxes的,也就是税前列示,而且是放在NI from continuing operations科目之前的,这两个特征描述也是正确的C错误固定资产的使用寿命如果改变了,应该追溯调整。错误,因为固定资产使用寿命的改变是会计估计的改变,不用追溯调整。 请问unusual和scontinueitem分别在税前和税后列示的逻辑是?

2023-01-25 00:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000036 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is least accurate? A.The nonrecurring items thare reportenet of taxes below net income from continuing operations are the scontinueoperations. B.The nonrecurring items thare reportebefore taxes above net income from continuing operations are the unusuor infrequent items. C.A change in useful life of fixeasset reportethrough retrospective application. A change in accounting estimate is haneprospectively.考点经常性损益题干关于非经常性项目说法有误的一项是?Ascontinueoperations是net of tax而且before net income,这个说法是正确的 Bunusuor infrequent items是before taxes的,也就是税前列示,而且是放在NI from continuing operations科目之前的,这两个特征描述也是正确的C错误固定资产的使用寿命如果改变了,应该追溯调整。错误,因为固定资产使用寿命的改变是会计估计的改变,不用追溯调整。 请问答案解析里“scontinueoperations是net of tax而且before net income,这个说法是正确的” 这句话scontinueoperations是net of tax是列示在除去税之后的。但跟后面的before net income不是相冲突了吗?这句话的意思不是列在税前的意思吗

2023-01-06 09:13 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012102000036 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is least accurate? A.The nonrecurring items thare reportenet of taxes below net income from continuing operations are the scontinueoperations. B.The nonrecurring items thare reportebefore taxes above net income from continuing operations are the unusuor infrequent items. C.A change in useful life of fixeasset reportethrough retrospective application. A change in accounting estimate is haneprospectively.考点经常性损益题干关于非经常性项目说法有误的一项是?Ascontinueoperations是net of tax而且before net income,这个说法是正确的 Bunusuor infrequent items是before taxes的,也就是税前列示,而且是放在NI from continuing operations科目之前的,这两个特征描述也是正确的C错误固定资产的使用寿命如果改变了,应该追溯调整。错误,因为固定资产使用寿命的改变是会计估计的改变,不用追溯调整。 这题会做。但是A和B的意思表达了scontinueoperations和unusuor infrequent items都算nonrecurring items,我咋觉得scontinueoperations不应该算nonrecurring items啊~ recurring和nonrecurring都应该是continueoperations才对啊。求解答谢谢

2022-11-16 10:55 1 · 回答