NO.PZ2016010802000173 Centrbank actions thgrow the money supply to aress flationary contions crease fiscficits. Accorng to the Ricarequivalence, ficits have a multiplicative effeon consumer spenng. A is correct. Government borrowing mcompete with private sector borrowing for investment purposes. 考点 fiscficits 解析政府支出会产生财政赤字,进而抬升市场利率,打击私人部门投资的积极性,这便是产生挤出效应。所以A正确。 面对通缩特别是流动性陷阱的状况,央行靠印发货币是解决不了问题的,正确的做法是采用量化宽松的手段。所以B错误。 C打酱油的。李嘉图均和乘数效应是两个不同的概念。错误。 R除了成本应该也有收益率的意思吧
NO.PZ2016010802000173 Centrbank actions thgrow the money supply to aress flationary contions crease fiscficits. Accorng to the Ricarequivalence, ficits have a multiplicative effeon consumer spenng. A is correct. Government borrowing mcompete with private sector borrowing for investment purposes. 考点 fiscficits 解析政府支出会产生财政赤字,进而抬升市场利率,打击私人部门投资的积极性,这便是产生挤出效应。所以A正确。 面对通缩特别是流动性陷阱的状况,央行靠印发货币是解决不了问题的,正确的做法是采用量化宽松的手段。所以B错误。 C打酱油的。李嘉图均和乘数效应是两个不同的概念。错误。 如题。。。。。。。。。
NO.PZ2016010802000173 Centrbank actions thgrow the money supply to aress flationary contions crease fiscficits. Accorng to the Ricarequivalence, ficits have a multiplicative effeon consumer spenng. A is correct. Government borrowing mcompete with private sector borrowing for investment purposes. 考点 fiscficits 解析政府支出会产生财政赤字,进而抬升市场利率,打击私人部门投资的积极性,这便是产生挤出效应。所以A正确。 面对通缩特别是流动性陷阱的状况,央行靠印发货币是解决不了问题的,正确的做法是采用量化宽松的手段。所以B错误。 C打酱油的。李嘉图均和乘数效应是两个不同的概念。错误。 为什么政府支出增加利率上升?答案A怎么理解?
NO.PZ2016010802000173 Centrbank actions thgrow the money supply to aress flationary contions crease fiscficits. Accorng to the Ricarequivalence, ficits have a multiplicative effeon consumer spenng. A is correct. Government borrowing mcompete with private sector borrowing for investment purposes. 考点 fiscficits 解析政府支出会产生财政赤字,进而抬升市场利率,打击私人部门投资的积极性,这便是产生挤出效应。所以A正确。 面对通缩特别是流动性陷阱的状况,央行靠印发货币是解决不了问题的,正确的做法是采用量化宽松的手段。所以B错误。 C打酱油的。李嘉图均和乘数效应是两个不同的概念。错误。 C的multiple effect是什么意思