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Viva · 2019年11月26日



Amy McLaughlin is a fixed-income portfolio manager at UK-based Delphi Investments. One year ago, given her expectations of a stable yield curve over the coming 12 months and noting that the yield curve was upward sloping, McLaughlin elected to position her portfolio solely in 20-year US Treasury bonds with a coupon rate of 4% and a price of 101.7593, with the expectation of selling the bonds in one year at a price of 109.0629. McLaughlin expected the US dollar to depreciate relative to the British pound by 1.50% during the year. McLaughlin chose the 20-year Treasury bonds because they were on the steepest part of the yield curve.

The portfolio strategy implemented by McLaughlin last year is mostly likely to be described as:



a carry trade


a barbell structure


riding the yield curve


C is correct.

Last year, McLaughlin expected the yield curve to be stable over the year. Riding the yield curve is a strategy based on the premise that, as a bond ages, it will decline in yield if the yield curve is upward sloping. This is known as “roll down”; that is, the bond rolls down the (static) curve. Riding the yield curve differs from buy and hold in that the manager is expecting to add to returns by selling the security at a lower yield at the horizon. This strategy may be particularly effective if the portfolio manager targets portions of the yield curve that are relatively steep and where price appreciation resulting from the bond’s migration to maturity can be significant. McLaughlin elected to position her portfolio solely in 20-year Treasury bonds, which reflect the steepest part of the yield curve, with the expectation of selling the bonds in one year

为什么carry trade不对

2 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年12月06日

Hello, sion同学:

“不能理解为intra-marekt carry trade吗?”

就这道题他描述的情况来看,就是Riding the yield curve策略。不能理解为Carry trade

Carry trade是一个借钱投资的策略,所以是Long/Short策略,需要:借(Short)一个利率,投资(Long)另外一个利率;所以是:Long/Short策略。

而这道题的描述是: Position her portfolio solely in 20-year US Treasury bonds...

也就是Long 20-year bond,只投资于20年债券,题干也没说Short哪个债券、或者借哪个期限的利率,所以这是一个Long-only的策略。

所以本题不是Intra-market carry trade。

“借短期投长期,carry trade的前提也是yield curve stalbe吧?”

是的,Carry trade的前提是:Yield curve stable。

Stable yield curve有4策略如下:

1. Buy and hold

2. Sell convexity

3. Carry trade

4. Riding the yield curve(还额外要求收益率曲线向上情形)

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年11月27日


Carry trade是借低利率、投资高利率。所以是:借钱投资,赚取利率差价

本题的题干没有提到有借钱投资的说法,所以不选Carry trade。

这道题的题干,有几点是判断Riding the yield curve比较明显的语句:

1、stable yield curve over the coming 12 months and noting that the yield curve was upward sloping,

Stable yield curve 和 upward sloping是做Riding the yield curve必备的条件。

2、...a price of 101.7593, with the expectation of selling the bonds in one year at a price of 109.0629. 

买入价是101.7593,预期卖出价是109.0629,所以可以判断是赚取债券的Capital gain;

3、McLaughlin chose the 20-year Treasury bonds because they were on the steepest part of the yield curve.

买入20年期债券的原因是:这段收益率曲线最陡峭。收益率曲线越陡峭,卖出债券时收益率就降的越低,这样获取的Capital gain就越多。

综合以上几点,可以确认投资是:以赚取Capital gain为目的的Riding the yield curve策略。


sion · 2019年12月03日

不能理解为intra-marekt carry trade吗?借短期投长期,carry trade的前提也是yield curve stalbe吧?