NO.PZ2016010801000118 问题如下 A country improves its tra ficit preciating its currency. Whiof the following statements is correin terms of elasticity approach? A.It woulbenefit a procer who exporting luxury goo. B.It woulbenefit a procer who exporting procts with few substitutions. C.It woulbenefit a procer whose export manis inelasti A is correct.Currenpreciation will have greater improvement for those export manis elastiThe manfor procts, suluxury goo are usually elastic.考点elasticity approach解析在弹性法下,如果进出口商品具有较大的弹性,那么货币贬值情况会得到较大改善。奢侈品通常是最有弹性的。A是正确的,C不正确。如果一个商品的替代品比较小,那么它的弹性也较小,所以B不正确。 本币贬值的话进口会减少,尤其是奢侈品,比如因为人民币贬值需要更多钱买奢侈品则进口少,如何能改善贸易逆差使得进口增加呢
NO.PZ2016010801000118问题如下A country improves its tra ficit preciating its currency. Whiof the following statements is correin terms of elasticity approach?A.It woulbenefit a procer who exporting luxury goo.B.It woulbenefit a procer who exporting procts with few substitutions.C.It woulbenefit a procer whose export manis inelastic.A is correct.Currenpreciation will have greater improvement for those export manis elastiThe manfor procts, suluxury goo are usually elastic.考点elasticity approach解析在弹性法下,如果进出口商品具有较大的弹性,那么货币贬值情况会得到较大改善。奢侈品通常是最有弹性的。A是正确的,C不正确。如果一个商品的替代品比较小,那么它的弹性也较小,所以B不正确。题目是不是想说改善贸易逆差?improve ficit ,真的不这么表达
It woulbenefit a procer who exporting procts with few substitutions. It woulbenefit a procer whose export manis inelasti A is correct. Currenpreciation will have greater improvement for those export manis elastiThe manfor procts, suluxury goo are usually elasti考点elasticity approa解析 在弹性法下,如果进出口商品具有较大的弹性,那么货币贬值情况会得到较大改善。奢侈品通常是最有弹性的。A是正确的,C不正确。 如果一个商品的替代品比较小,那么它的弹性也较小,所以B不正确。 请问B中“几乎没有替代品”,不是指可替代性小,刚需大吗?