问题如下图:我还是不理解为什么second stage的价值是v8 呢如果画图的话第一阶段和第二阶段的价值如何体现呢?
NO.PZ201512300100000902 问题如下 2. In the first approach, whproportion of the totvalue of the stois representethe value of seconstage? A.0.10. B.0.52. C.0.90. C is correct.shown in the above table, the value of the seconstage = PV of V8 = C$15.9095. The totvalue is C$17.6528. a proportion, the seconstage represents 15.9095/17.6528 = 0.90 of the totvalue. 这道题不是说半年分一次红吗?那是不是不用考虑半年的情况,直接把一年内合起来计算?
NO.PZ201512300100000902问题如下2. In the first approach, whproportion of the totvalue of the stois representethe value of seconstage?A.0.10.B.0.52.C.0.90.C is correct.shown in the above table, the value of the seconstage = PV of V8 = C$15.9095. The totvalue is C$17.6528. a proportion, the seconstage represents 15.9095/17.6528 = 0.90 of the totvalue.这题用考试用计算器的计算过程如何?有没有什么快速计算方式?
NO.PZ201512300100000902 问题如下 2. In the first approach, whproportion of the totvalue of the stois representethe value of seconstage? A.0.10. B.0.52. C.0.90. C is correct.shown in the above table, the value of the seconstage = PV of V8 = C$15.9095. The totvalue is C$17.6528. a proportion, the seconstage represents 15.9095/17.6528 = 0.90 of the totvalue. 请问The totvalue is C$17.6528是怎么算出来的
NO.PZ201512300100000902 不包括 的折现么
NO.PZ201512300100000902 老师好, 这道题一开始我想用计算器的CF功能,但我看它里面的C只可以输入6组,但是这个题给了8组,我是自己手算的。老师有什么办法?谢谢