Chen is a fixed-income portfolio manager who manages a fixed-income portfolio in a wealth management firm. The mandate of the fund allows the portfolio’s duration fluctuate ±0.3 from its benchmark duration and the fund’s current duration equals to that of benchmark. The yield curve is upward sloping and Chen believes the yield curve will remain stable over the next 12-month. Relevant information about the position of the portfolio is shown below:
Based on Chen’s expectations, Wang, a junior analyst in the company, proposed three different duration-neutral strategies:
Strategy 1: Sell the 15-year bonds and use the proceeds to buy appropriate amount of MBS, leaving the effective duration of the portfolio unchanged before and after this strategy.
Strategy 2: buy call options on 15-year bond futures, leaving the effective duration of the portfolio unchanged before and after this strategy.
Strategy 3: selling the existing MBS (effective duration of this MBS is 2.88) in the current portfolio and use the proceeds to buy the 3-year bond.
According to the information above, which one of the strategies would perform best?
A.Strategy 1
B.Strategy 2
C.Strategy 3
A is correct.
解析:已知预期收益率曲线会保持稳定。三个策略都是Duration-neutral的策略,其中对于策略1,卖出15年期的普通债券,同时买入MBS债券,并且保持买卖前后整个portfolio的effective duration不变。因为MBS相当于一个Callable bond,发行人持有一个Call option,有权利提前赎回,因此对于这类债券的投资者,相当于卖出了一个Option降低了债券的Convexity。因此,策略1就是卖出15年期的普通债券,买了一个Convexity更低的债券,同时保持整个portfolio的Effective duration不变,在收益率曲线稳定时,该策略有效。Strategy 2,3都会增加portfolio的Convexity,由于获得Convexity需要支出一定的成本,而预测收益率曲线稳定,稳定的收益率曲线无法享受Convexity带来的涨多跌少的特性,因此这样的策略会拖累整个组合的收益。
这个知识点下面只讲了stable 收益率下四个策略,如1、buy and hold 2、riding yield curve 3、carry trade4、sell convexcity
并没有讲到收益率曲线stable时有Duration-nutural 策略呀,但是题目问的是Duration-nutural 策略,而答案其实是回答的sell convexcity的策略,如果这道题不出在这个知识点下面,我肯定想不到Sell convexcity 策略,而是一直在duration-matching 知识点里思考问题