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aileen20180623 · 2019年11月17日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Based on Company A’s key characteristics, which discounted cash flow model would most likely be used by the investment team to value Company A’s shares?









B is correct. Company A has a history of paying modest dividends relative to FCFE. An FCFF or FCFE model provides a better estimate of value over a DDM model when dividends paid differ significantly from the company’s capacity to pay dividends. Also, Company A has a controlling investor; with control comes discretion over the uses of free cash flow. Therefore, there is the possibility that the controlling shareholder could change the dividend policy. Finally, Company A has a stable capital structure; using FCFE is a more direct and simpler method to value a company’s equity than using FCFF when a company’s capital structure is stable.

因为stable capture 而选择FCFF而不是FCFE?如不是stable capture ,就用FCFF?

以及新的shareholder 会改变divide policy,涉及leverage ,用FCFE而不是FCFF?

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年11月17日

The company has a history of paying modest dividends relative to FCFE, has a stable capital structure, and is owned by a controlling investor.


1、stable capital structure稳定的资本结构更适用FCFE(讲义190页): 资本结构变化其实都是公司内部发生变化,因此不影响整体FCFF,但是FCFE是归属于股东自有支配的现金流,里面有一项NB,如果资本结构变化,NB也就会跟着大幅变化,进而影响FCFE.这道题说资本结构稳定所以建议用FCFE.

2、 is owned by a controlling investor.站在控股股东的角度我们应该选择自有现金流模型(讲义135页)


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  • 0

  • 682


NO.PZ201809170300000101 问题如下 Based on Company A’s key characteristics, whiscountecash flow mol woulmost likely usethe investment teto value Company A’s shares? M FCFE FCFF B is correct. Company A ha history of paying most vin relative to FCFE. FCFF or FCFE mol provis a better estimate of value over a M mol when vin paiffer significantly from the company’s capacity to pay vin. Also, Company A ha controlling investor; with control comes scretion over the uses of free cash flow. Therefore, there is the possibility ththe controlling shareholr coulchange the vinpolicy. Finally, Company A ha stable capitstructure; using FCFE is a more reand simpler methoto value a company’s equity thusing FCFF when a company’s capitstructure is stable. 不是说most v吗,为什么不选a呢

2022-08-16 22:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170300000101 Baseon Company A’s key characteristics, whiscountecash flow mol woulmost likely usethe investment teto value Company A’s shares? M FCFE FCFF B is correct. Company A ha history of paying most vin relative to FCFE. FCFF or FCFE mol provis a better estimate of value over a M mol when vin paiffer significantly from the company’s capacity to pvin. Also, Company A ha controlling investor; with control comes scretion over the uses of free cash flow. Therefore, there is the possibility ththe controlling shareholr coulchange the vinpolicy. Finally, Company A ha stable capitstructure; using FCFE is a more reansimpler methoto value a company’s equity thusing FCFF when a company’s capitstructure is stable. ownea controlling investor. 这个不是只能站在这个公司的角度来估值么,所有应该选FCFF 如果公司杠杆稳定的话,应该FCFF和FCFE都可以选择

2021-12-06 20:24 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170300000101 Baseon Company A’s key characteristics, whiscountecash flow mol woulmost likely usethe investment teto value Company A’s shares? M FCFE FCFF B is correct. Company A ha history of paying most vin relative to FCFE. FCFF or FCFE mol provis a better estimate of value over a M mol when vin paiffer significantly from the company’s capacity to pvin. Also, Company A ha controlling investor; with control comes scretion over the uses of free cash flow. Therefore, there is the possibility ththe controlling shareholr coulchange the vinpolicy. Finally, Company A ha stable capitstructure; using FCFE is a more reansimpler methoto value a company’s equity thusing FCFF when a company’s capitstructure is stable. 不是说capitstable适合FCFE,但是后一句控股不是指代FCFF? 对比FCFE,FCFF更适合控股股东吗?这个是有问题? FCFF更适合capitstructure变化的有leverage的。

2021-11-26 10:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170300000101 Baseon Company A’s key characteristics, whiscountecash flow mol woulmost likely usethe investment teto value Company A’s shares? M FCFE FCFF B is correct. Company A ha history of paying most vin relative to FCFE. FCFF or FCFE mol provis a better estimate of value over a M mol when vin paiffer significantly from the company’s capacity to pvin. Also, Company A ha controlling investor; with control comes scretion over the uses of free cash flow. Therefore, there is the possibility ththe controlling shareholr coulchange the vinpolicy. Finally, Company A ha stable capitstructure; using FCFE is a more reansimpler methoto value a company’s equity thusing FCFF when a company’s capitstructure is stable. 题干里面的restructuring over the next few years让我选择了fcff

2021-03-08 17:14 1 · 回答

Baseon Company A’s key characteristics, whiscountecash flow mol woulmost likely usethe investment teto value Company A’s shares? M FCFE FCFF B is correct. Company A ha history of paying most vin relative to FCFE. FCFF or FCFE mol provis a better estimate of value over a M mol when vin paiffer significantly from the company’s capacity to pvin. Also, Company A ha controlling investor; with control comes scretion over the uses of free cash flow. Therefore, there is the possibility ththe controlling shareholr coulchange the vinpolicy. Finally, Company A ha stable capitstructure; using FCFE is a more reansimpler methoto value a company’s equity thusing FCFF when a company’s capitstructure is stable. 请问,在计算的时候,我们是先算FCFF,再算FCFE,为啥FCFE是更直接简单的方式?

2020-12-09 01:47 1 · 回答