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benniewang · 2019年11月17日


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During the preprocessing of the data in Exhibit 1, what type of data transformation did Steele perform during the data preprocessing step?









A is correct. During the data preprocessing step, Steele created a new “Age” variable based on the firm’s IPO date and then deleted the “IPO Date” variable from the dataset. She also created a new “Interest Coverage Ratio” variable equal to EBIT divided by interest expense. Extraction refers to a data transformation where a new variable is extracted from a current variable for ease of analyzing and using for training an ML model, such as creating an age variable from a date variable or a ratio variable. Steele also performed a selection transformation by deleting the IPO Date variable, which refers to deleting the data columns that are not needed for the project.


1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2019年11月18日

这道题我看了下,后台题目是正常的, 是不是整个case都显示不出来了?


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NO.PZ201512020300000605 问题如下 ring the preprocessing of the ta in Exhibit 1, whtype of ta transformation Steele perform ring the ta preprocessing step? A.Extraction B.Conversion C.Aggregation A is correct. ring the ta preprocessing step, Steele createa new “Age” variable baseon the firm’s IPO te anthen letethe “IPO te” variable from the taset. She also createa new “Interest Coverage Ratio” variable equto EBIT viinterest expense. Extraction refers to a ta transformation where a new variable is extractefrom a current variable for ease of analyzing anusing for training ML mol, sucreating age variable from a te variable or a ratio variable. Steele also performea selection transformation leting the IPO te variable, whirefers to leting the ta columns thare not neefor the project. 如题

2022-07-13 10:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020300000605问题如下 ring the preprocessing of the ta in Exhibit 1, whtype of ta transformation Steele perform ring the ta preprocessing step? A.Extraction B.Conversion C.Aggregation A is correct. ring the ta preprocessing step, Steele createa new “Age” variable baseon the firm’s IPO te anthen letethe “IPO te” variable from the taset. She also createa new “Interest Coverage Ratio” variable equto EBIT viinterest expense. Extraction refers to a ta transformation where a new variable is extractefrom a current variable for ease of analyzing anusing for training ML mol, sucreating age variable from a te variable or a ratio variable. Steele also performea selection transformation leting the IPO te variable, whirefers to leting the ta columns thare not neefor the project. 老师,可否麻烦下conversion?

2022-07-01 10:06 1 · 回答