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很高兴见到你 · 2019年11月14日



An analyst has estimated a value of $60 for a stock with a market price of $50. The analyst is most likely to conclude that a stock is undervalued if



the analyst has less confidence in his model inputs and few analysts follow the stock.


the analyst is confident in his model inputs and few analysts follow the stock.


the analyst is confident in his model inputs and many analysts follow the stock.


B is correct.

If the analyst is more confident of his input values, he is more likely to conclude that the security is undervalued. The market price is less likely correct when few analysts follow the security.

few analysts follow the stock为什么越少人分析师使用他估值还正确,B和C理解不来

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年11月15日


小吕别吃了 · 2020年03月04日

few analysts follow the stock 越少分析师分析股票,不是证明它没有套利机会,即被高估了吗?但是题意说的是低估啊?

maggie_品职助教 · 2020年03月05日


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NO.PZ2015122801000043 问题如下 analyst hestimatea value of $60 for a stowith a market priof $50. The analyst is most likely to conclu tha stois unrvalueif A.the analyst hless confinin his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. B.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. C.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anmany analysts follow the stock. B is correct.If the analyst is more confint of his input values, he is more likely to conclu ththe security is unrvalue The market priis less likely correwhen few analysts follow the security.B是正确的。只有模型的输入数据正确,输出的数据才会正确。所以如果分析师对输入数据没有信心,那估值很可能是错误的。A错误此外,如果一只股票有很多分析师跟踪,绝大多数人都没有发现这个股票有这么大的价值和价格之间的差异,唯独该分析师发现的话,很可能这个分析师的分析是错误的。(如果别人发现,肯定早就买入该股票使价格回归价值了)只有当该股票跟踪的人很少,对股票分析不足时,才更容易出现估值不准的情况。所以B对C错。 老师好 价差在一个什么样的范围内是合理的?谢谢50 到 60 看上去也不是差很多? 还是在真正的股票市场, 10元差距已经是不合理了?

2024-06-26 13:30 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000043 问题如下 analyst hestimatea value of $60 for a stowith a market priof $50. The analyst is most likely to conclu tha stois unrvalueif A.the analyst hless confinin his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. B.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. C.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anmany analysts follow the stock. B is correct.If the analyst is more confint of his input values, he is more likely to conclu ththe security is unrvalue The market priis less likely correwhen few analysts follow the security.B是正确的。只有模型的输入数据正确,输出的数据才会正确。所以如果分析师对输入数据没有信心,那估值很可能是错误的。A错误此外,如果一只股票有很多分析师跟踪,绝大多数人都没有发现这个股票有这么大的价值和价格之间的差异,唯独该分析师发现的话,很可能这个分析师的分析是错误的。(如果别人发现,肯定早就买入该股票使价格回归价值了)只有当该股票跟踪的人很少,对股票分析不足时,才更容易出现估值不准的情况。所以B对C错。 条件1 该股被低估;条件2很少其它分析师关注这只股票;条件1+条件2推出结论很可能是主角分析错误了。那为什么他还能有信心呢?应该是没信心才对吧?

2023-10-25 20:25 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000043 问题如下 analyst hestimatea value of $60 for a stowith a market priof $50. The analyst is most likely to conclu tha stois unrvalueif A.the analyst hless confinin his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. B.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. C.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anmany analysts follow the stock. B is correct.If the analyst is more confint of his input values, he is more likely to conclu ththe security is unrvalue The market priis less likely correwhen few analysts follow the security.B是正确的。只有模型的输入数据正确,输出的数据才会正确。所以如果分析师对输入数据没有信心,那估值很可能是错误的。A错误此外,如果一只股票有很多分析师跟踪,绝大多数人都没有发现这个股票有这么大的价值和价格之间的差异,唯独该分析师发现的话,很可能这个分析师的分析是错误的。(如果别人发现,肯定早就买入该股票使价格回归价值了)只有当该股票跟踪的人很少,对股票分析不足时,才更容易出现估值不准的情况。所以B对C错。 analyst hestimatea value of $60 for a stowith a market priof $50,先看這句,股票價格是unrvalue的?分析師預計60,但市場價格只有50,The analyst is most likely to conclu tha stois unrvalueif..., 如果說最後得出的結果亦為unrvalue説明這個分析師分析的沒錯? 請問結果爲何不選c,謝謝,

2022-08-15 19:34 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015122801000043 问题如下 analyst hestimatea value of $60 for a stowith a market priof $50. The analyst is most likely to conclu tha stois unrvalueif A.the analyst hless confinin his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. B.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anfew analysts follow the stock. C.the analyst is confint in his mol inputs anmany analysts follow the stock. B is correct.If the analyst is more confint of his input values, he is more likely to conclu ththe security is unrvalue The market priis less likely correwhen few analysts follow the security.B是正确的。只有模型的输入数据正确,输出的数据才会正确。所以如果分析师对输入数据没有信心,那估值很可能是错误的。A错误此外,如果一只股票有很多分析师跟踪,绝大多数人都没有发现这个股票有这么大的价值和价格之间的差异,唯独该分析师发现的话,很可能这个分析师的分析是错误的。(如果别人发现,肯定早就买入该股票使价格回归价值了)只有当该股票跟踪的人很少,对股票分析不足时,才更容易出现估值不准的情况。所以B对C错。 这道题对应的是ppt上哪个知识点呢

2022-08-12 10:30 1 · 回答


2020-08-24 19:21 1 · 回答