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sososososophi · 2019年11月10日



If futures prices are positively correlated with interest rates, the futures prices will be:



equal to forward prices.


higher than forward prices.


lower than forward prices.


B is correct. Futures contracts are more desirable than forwards for long positions when futures prices are positively correlated with interest rates. Futures payoffs occur everyday, whereas forward payoff occur all at expiration. When futures prices increase, the long positions have gains, they can reinvest the gains at higher interest rates.


请问这道题在没有讲long position还是short position的情况下, 怎么确定是从哪个角度想问题呢。。

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年11月11日

同学你好,这道题是考察远期合约的定价。定价的话,不管是long position还是short position,这个价格都是一样的。一般我们就直接从 long position 考虑就好了

只有求value 的时候才考虑long position还是short position

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NO.PZ2016031202000014问题如下 If futures prices are positively correlatewith interest rates, the futures prices will be:A.equto forwarprices.B.higher thforwarprices.C.lower thforwarprices. B is correct. Futures contracts are more sirable thforwar for long positions when futures prices are positively correlatewith interest rates. Futures payoffs occur everyy, whereforwarpayoff occur all expiration. When futures prices increase, the long positions have gains, they creinvest the gains higher interest rates. 中文解析期货有盯市制度,每日结算盈亏,而forwar约只能到期结算以long 方为例,当期货价格与利率正相关的时候,当利率上升时,期货价格也上升,此时期货合约由于每日结算,因此可提前拿到利润,然后以一个更高的利息进行在投资;但远期合约不行,远期合约只能在期末拿到利润。相当于远期合约的利润只能以期初定价的无风险收益去投资,而期货合约却可以以一个更高的利率去投资;所以期货要比远期合约更有优势,期货的价格也就高于远期的价格。 这道题我懂了,是考书上那个那个表格,但这样的话我就有个问题,这就说明利率与期货价格不一定是负向的。那书上这一页怎么呢?老师当时是说Y轴是报价,然后Futures的报价=100-100*MRR,所以是反向关系。报价和期货价格不是同一个东西?有点乱

2023-05-21 22:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031202000014 问题如下 If futures prices are positively correlatewith interest rates, the futures prices will be: A.equto forwarprices. B.higher thforwarprices. C.lower thforwarprices. B is correct. Futures contracts are more sirable thforwar for long positions when futures prices are positively correlatewith interest rates. Futures payoffs occur everyy, whereforwarpayoff occur all expiration. When futures prices increase, the long positions have gains, they creinvest the gains higher interest rates. 中文解析期货有盯市制度,每日结算盈亏,而forwar约只能到期结算以long 方为例,当期货价格与利率正相关的时候,当利率上升时,期货价格也上升,此时期货合约由于每日结算,因此可提前拿到利润,然后以一个更高的利息进行在投资;但远期合约不行,远期合约只能在期末拿到利润。相当于远期合约的利润只能以期初定价的无风险收益去投资,而期货合约却可以以一个更高的利率去投资;所以期货要比远期合约更有优势,期货的价格也就高于远期的价格。 解析中说利率上升,期货价格上升。可是不是说期货像债券,利率上升,报价下降吗

2023-02-03 04:19 1 · 回答


2019-11-06 23:28 2 · 回答

    查看过其他同学提的问题。这一题出现在Futures ContraanBasic Characteristics视频内,但是助教回复中的表格出现在Futures Pricing anValuation视频内,是不是题目放错位置了?

2019-07-06 20:39 1 · 回答