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aileen20180623 · 2019年11月04日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干


5. The most likely response to Question 2 is a(n):



increase in the price level.


decrease in risk premiums.


increase in government debt.


C is correct.

Expansionary fiscal policies result in currency depreciation in the long run. Under a portfolio-balance approach, the assumption is that investors hold a mix of domestic and foreign assets including bonds. Fiscal stimulus policies result in budget deficits which are often financed by debt. As the debt level rises, investors become concerned as to how the on-going deficit will be financed. The country’s central bank may need to create more money in order to purchase the debt which would cause the currency to depreciate. Or, the government could adopt a more restrictive fiscal policy, which would also depreciate the currency.

考点:portfolio-balance approach


portfolio-balance approach 本身关注的就是长期,由于扩张的财政政策经常伴随着较高的债务借贷,投资者会担心这样的借贷能不能持续,于是投资者就会撤资,导致本币下降。


题 问的是为啥在MF 和portfolio approach下扩张货币贬值?我很疑惑这个问法,课件不是说MF专业与短期财政政策,货币最终不是升值;而portfolio approach实行扩张货币,最终导致货币贬值,这个题目问的不是自相矛盾吗?

2 个答案

源_品职助教 · 2019年11月11日


因为ABC选项在 MF model 下没有正确结论,所以就不用管它了。


源_品职助教 · 2019年11月05日

同学你的理解部分是对的,课件说的是在HIGH CAPITAL MOBILITY的条件下,扩张的货币政策会导致货币升值。如果是考试仍然以这个结论为准。


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NO.PZ201512020800000205 问题如下 5. The most likely response to Question 2 is a(n): A.increase in the prilevel. B.crease in risk premiums. C.increase in government bt. C is correct.Expansionary fiscpolicies result in currenpreciation in the long run. Unr a portfolio-balanapproach, the assumption is thinvestors hola mix of mestic anforeign assets inclung bon. Fiscstimulus policies result in buet ficits whiare often financebt. the level rises, investors become concerneto how the on-going ficit will finance The country’s centrbank mneeto create more money in orr to purchase the whiwoulcause the currento preciate. Or, the government coulapt a more restrictive fiscpolicy, whiwoulalso preciate the currency.考点portfolio-balanapproach解析注意到,题目提及的是货币在长期的表现。 portfolio-balanapproa本身关注的就是长期,由于扩张的财政政策经常伴随着较高的债务借贷,投资者会担心这样的借贷能不能持续,于是投资者就会撤资,导致本币下降。于此同时,国家为了解决债务问题,会超发货币赎回债务或者是再次实施一个紧缩的货币政策,这两者都会引起货币的贬值。 这里的中文翻译最后一句翻译错了 是紧缩的财政政策 不是紧缩的货币政策

2024-08-25 17:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020800000205 crease in risk premiums. increase in government bt. C is correct. Expansionary fiscpolicies result in currenpreciation in the long run. Unr a portfolio-balanapproach, the assumption is thinvestors hola mix of mestic anforeign assets inclung bon. Fiscstimulus policies result in buet ficits whiare often financebt. the level rises, investors become concerneto how the on-going ficit will finance The country’s centrbank mneeto create more money in orr to purchase the whiwoulcause the currento preciate. Or, the government coulapt a more restrictive fiscpolicy, whiwoulalso preciate the currency. 考点portfolio-balanapproa解析注意到,题目提及的是货币在长期的表现。 portfolio-balanapproa本身关注的就是长期,由于扩张的财政政策经常伴随着较高的债务借贷,投资者会担心这样的借贷能不能持续,于是投资者就会撤资,导致本币下降。 于此同时,国家为了解决债务问题,会超发货币赎回债务或者是再次实施一个紧缩的货币政策,这两者都会引起货币的贬值。 ​我选的C 但是以为考MF 模型中扩张的财政政策要求政府借钱,导致利率上升 这个点。这么理解是否可以呢?

2021-02-10 11:13 1 · 回答


2019-04-05 23:20 1 · 回答

    老师好,对于A和C哲源老师在回答其他同学的答案里讲的很好了。还是想请教下risk premium这里,不是太懂。上一道关于risk premium的题目也没作对,我想彻底搞懂下。请教这里怎么理解risk premium。还请教risk premium多是在什么情况下考虑,什么考法?什么知识点。辛苦老师。

2018-12-08 12:46 1 · 回答