星星_品职助教 · 2019年10月23日
你说的“最核心的内容”我大概能理解,在IPS的主体部分,核心的投资内容是由investment objective,investment constraint和investment guideline这三部分组成的。这三部分决定了关于如何做投资的宏观方向。但是对于具体要投哪个大类的资产(股票还是债券还是房地产等),这部分是在附录里的。
IPS的各个组成部分是固定的。例如附录由两部分组成(A) Strategic Asset Allocation (B) Rebalancing Policy。这部分可以参照2019年讲义的72页,考试就够用了。如果还想进一步了解,可以看原版书R41章的section 2.2,加油~
NO.PZ2015121801000119问题如下 Whiof the following is least likely to placein the appences to investment polistatement (IPS)?A.Rebalancing Policy.B.Strategic Asset Allocation.C.Statement of ties anResponsibilities.is correct.The major components of IPS are listein Section 2.2 of the reang. Strategic Asset Allocation (also known the poliportfolio) anRebalancing Poliare often incluappences to the IPS. The Statement of ties anResponsibilities, however, is integrpart of the IPS anis unlikely to placein appenx.这个在课程里没讲啊。。。
NO.PZ2015121801000119 问题如下 Whiof the following is least likely to placein the appences to investment polistatement (IPS)? A.Rebalancing Policy. B.Strategic Asset Allocation. C.Statement of ties anResponsibilities. is correct.The major components of IPS are listein Section 2.2 of the reang. Strategic Asset Allocation (also known the poliportfolio) anRebalancing Poliare often incluappences to the IPS. The Statement of ties anResponsibilities, however, is integrpart of the IPS anis unlikely to placein appenx. C放在附录中,怎么能算作是计划步骤呢?比如一份完整的IPS包含了计划部分,执行部分,反馈部分,每一部分都会有附录吗?
NO.PZ2015121801000119 问题如下 Whiof the following is least likely to placein the appences to investment polistatement (IPS)? A.Rebalancing Policy. B.Strategic Asset Allocation. C.Statement of ties anResponsibilities. is correct.The major components of IPS are listein Section 2.2 of the reang. Strategic Asset Allocation (also known the poliportfolio) anRebalancing Poliare often incluappences to the IPS. The Statement of ties anResponsibilities, however, is integrpart of the IPS anis unlikely to placein appenx. 什么是rebalancing policy?