NO.PZ2015122802000079问题如下 The market value of unrvalueasset is:A.greater ththe asset’s intrinsic value.B.the value whithe asset ccurrently bought or solC.equto the present value of all the asset’s expectecash flows. is correct.The market value is the transaction priwhiasset ccurrently bought or sol考点Efficient CapitMarket AnIts Forms题目问下列关于被低估资产的市值的描述正确的是哪一个? 不管该资产当前是被低估还是高估,它的市场价格都是看得到的,就是它在二级市场中被买卖的价格。因此选当前market value为啥不是未来现金流折现求和呢?
NO.PZ2015122802000079 问题如下 The market value of unrvalueasset is: A.greater ththe asset’s intrinsic value. B.the value whithe asset ccurrently bought or sol C.equto the present value of all the asset’s expectecash flows. is correct.The market value is the transaction priwhiasset ccurrently bought or sol考点Efficient CapitMarket AnIts Forms题目问下列关于被低估资产的市值的描述正确的是哪一个? 不管该资产当前是被低估还是高估,它的市场价格都是看得到的,就是它在二级市场中被买卖的价格。因此选 而且为啥被低估的资产是可以在二级市场买卖的,我咋没懂这个逻辑
NO.PZ2015122802000079 问题如下 The market value of unrvalueasset is: A.greater ththe asset’s intrinsic value. B.the value whithe asset ccurrently bought or sol C.equto the present value of all the asset’s expectecash flows. is correct.The market value is the transaction priwhiasset ccurrently bought or sol考点Efficient CapitMarket AnIts Forms题目问下列关于被低估资产的市值的描述正确的是哪一个? 不管该资产当前是被低估还是高估,它的市场价格都是看得到的,就是它在二级市场中被买卖的价格。因此选 请问A为什么不对呀?市场价被低估了那不就是内在价值比市场价高吗?这样理解有什么问题吗?
老师 unrvalue 是不是对这道题没有意义