NO.PZ2018091706000062问题如下 Assumeththe country hwhis consirea low-yielsafe haven currencywhile the EM country ha high-yielcurrenwhose value is more exposetofluctuations in the globeconomic growth rate. increase in safe havenmanwoulmost likely: A.increase the risk premium maninternationalinvestors to holassets nominatein the EM currenB.raise the return earneon carry tra strategies C.exert upwarpressure on the value of the EM curren ringtimes of intense risk aversion, investors will crowinto the safe havencurrency. This tennimplies increaserisk premium maninvestorsto holthe EM currency.解析在风险厌恶上升的时期,投资者会涌向避险货币。这一趋势意味着,投资者持有新兴市场货币所需的风险溢价上升。因此只有A正确。 没有太理解题目的意思和考点,想请问一下
NO.PZ2018091706000062 问题如下 Assumeththe country hwhis consirea low-yielsafe haven currencywhile the EM country ha high-yielcurrenwhose value is more exposetofluctuations in the globeconomic growth rate. increase in safe havenmanwoulmost likely: A.increase the risk premium maninternationalinvestors to holassets nominatein the EM curren B.raise the return earneon carry tra strategies C.exert upwarpressure on the value of the EM curren ringtimes of intense risk aversion, investors will crowinto the safe havencurrency. This tennimplies increaserisk premium maninvestorsto holthe EM currency.解析在风险厌恶上升的时期,投资者会涌向避险货币。这一趋势意味着,投资者持有新兴市场货币所需的风险溢价上升。因此只有A正确。 老师,C为什么是贬值?C是高收益的国家,大部分的投资者都投在避险资产上了,证明高收益国家的货币贬值了,资本外流了,对么?
NO.PZ2018091706000062问题如下 Assumeththe country hwhis consirea low-yielsafe haven currencywhile the EM country ha high-yielcurrenwhose value is more exposetofluctuations in the globeconomic growth rate. increase in safe havenmanwoulmost likely: A.increase the risk premium maninternationalinvestors to holassets nominatein the EM currenB.raise the return earneon carry tra strategies C.exert upwarpressure on the value of the EM curren ringtimes of intense risk aversion, investors will crowinto the safe havencurrency. This tennimplies increaserisk premium maninvestorsto holthe EM currency.解析在风险厌恶上升的时期,投资者会涌向避险货币。这一趋势意味着,投资者持有新兴市场货币所需的风险溢价上升。因此只有A正确。 老师第二问是什么意思 考点是什么 carry tra 实施的话是buy 升值的话 收益是不是增加~
NO.PZ2018091706000062 raise the return earneon carry tra strategies exert upwarpressure on the value of the EM currency ringtimes of intense risk aversion, investors will crowinto the safe havencurrency. This tennimplies increaserisk premium maninvestorsto holthe EM currency. 解析在风险厌恶上升的时期,投资者会涌向避险货币。这一趋势意味着,投资者持有新兴市场货币所需的风险溢价上升。因此只有A正确。 如标题。。。。。。。。。
NO.PZ2018091706000062 在风险厌恶上升的时期,投资者会涌向避险货币,那C是不是说反了,由于资金从EM流出,应该是会导致EM货币有贬值倾向?