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Wendy · 2019年10月11日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018091706000020 [ CFA II ]

老师,类似这种题,问哪个因素对GDP增长影响最大,或者对生产率增长影响最大的题,都是用减法算出绝对值以后互相比较吗?为什么不是算该因素变化所占比例,也就是比较相对值呢?比如这道题,country C的人均GDP增长率是1,而TFP的增长率是负的-0.1,也就是全都依赖capital deepening才使该国的经济增长,影响占比110%,应该是对capital deepening 更加依赖才对呀







2 个答案

henry825 · 2019年11月05日


源_品职助教 · 2019年10月11日



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NO.PZ2018091706000020问题如下Economic ta of a country is showebelow:Accorng to the economic twhiof the three counties most likely rely on the capitepening?A.Country X.B.Country Y.C.Country Z. A is correct.考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T X=2.6-0.8=1.8Y=1.8-1=0.8Z=1-(-0.1) =1.1 如题,我没找到对应的变形公式

2024-07-31 18:05 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000020 问题如下 Economic ta of a country is showebelow:Accorng to the economic twhiof the three counties most likely rely on the capitepening? A.Country X. B.Country Y. C.Country Z. A is correct.考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T X=2.6-0.8=1.8Y=1.8-1=0.8Z=1-(-0.1) =1.1 表格最后一列的growth rate of output指的是课件里的什么呢

2024-07-25 22:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000020 问题如下 Economic ta of a country is showebelow:Accorng to the economic twhiof the three counties most likely rely on the capitepening? A.Country X. B.Country Y. C.Country Z. A is correct.考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T X=2.6-0.8=1.8Y=1.8-1=0.8Z=1-(-0.1) =1.1 在未知G的情况下,也可以计算capitepening吗?

2024-03-01 15:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000020 问题如下 Economic ta of a country is showebelow:Accorng to the economic twhiof the three counties most likely rely on the capitepening? A.Country X. B.Country Y. C.Country Z. A is correct.考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T X=2.6-0.8=1.8Y=1.8-1=0.8Z=1-(-0.1) =1.1 为什么用的是△y/y,而不是△Y/Y?△y/y是labor proctivity的growth rate而△Y/Y是PotentiG的,那为什么不用大写的这个Y呢?

2024-02-29 11:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2018091706000020 问题如下 Economic ta of a country is showebelow:Accorng to the economic twhiof the three counties most likely rely on the capitepening? A.Country X. B.Country Y. C.Country Z. A is correct.考点Cobb-uglproction function 的变形公式解析先写出变形公式Growth rate of labor proctivity= Growth rate of TFP+ Growth rate of capitepening(假设劳动力恒定不变)capitepening%=△y/y-△T/T X=2.6-0.8=1.8Y=1.8-1=0.8Z=1-(-0.1) =1.1 TFP是什么的简称

2024-02-18 14:34 1 · 回答