评论里无法放图片,所以我放到这里了,您看下,这个不就是说在interest rate 下降时,他会call back更快?
NO.PZ2019052801000104 问题如下 Whiof the following metho for retiring bon before maturity is generally consirethe most trimentfor the bonolrs? Tenr offers. Call provision. Sinking funprovision. Maintenananreplacement fun. B is correct. The call provision gives the issuer the right to purchase the bon a given price, whithe issuer woulnot unless thpriwbelow the market price. Sinking funprovisions cbenefit bonolrs because the issuer is obligateto purchase bon, whiimproves the cretworthiness of the issue, anthe issuer mhave to so a prihigher ththe market price. There are no features in M R fun or tenr offers thwoultrimentto bonolrs.解析以下哪种到期前退还债券的方法对债券持有人最不利?call provision对bonoler最不利,因为call provision赋予了债券发行人可以在债券到期日之前就赎回的权利,这个赎回价格可能会很低,对于bonolr而言更不利。 里不对
NO.PZ2019052801000104 问题如下 Whiof the following metho for retiring bon before maturity is generally consirethe most trimentfor the bonolrs? Tenr offers. Call provision. Sinking funprovision. Maintenananreplacement fun. B is correct. The call provision gives the issuer the right to purchase the bon a given price, whithe issuer woulnot unless thpriwbelow the market price. Sinking funprovisions can benefit bonolrs because the issuer is obligateto purchase bon, which improves the cretworthiness of the issue, anthe issuer mhave to so at a prihigher ththe market price. There are no features in M&R fun or tenr offers thwoultrimentto bonolrs. tenr offer不也是回购债券么?