NO.PZ2016010801000129问题如下e to significant economic change, the economy in long-run full-employment equilibrium will affectee to increase in aggregate man Whiof the following statements about the effects in the short run is correct?A.The prilevel anreG will increase.B.The prilevel anreG will crease.C.Only G will increase.A is correct. There is a movement along the short-run aggregate supply curve, whiincrease the prilevel anreG the same time.考点总需求解析短期总需求的提高,会同时提高价格水平和实际G产量。为什么题目说长期供给曲线受到A响,长期总供给曲线不是应该是受生产率、资本等影响potentiG吗?
NO.PZ2016010801000129 问题如下 e to significant economic change, the economy in long-run full-employment equilibrium will affectee to increase in aggregate man Whiof the following statements about the effects in the short run is correct? A.The prilevel anreG will increase. B.The prilevel anreG will crease. C.Only G will increase. A is correct. There is a movement along the short-run aggregate supply curve, whiincrease the prilevel anreG the same time.考点总需求解析短期总需求的提高,会同时提高价格水平和实际G产量。 题目是不是可以理解为是不是因为经济变化会影响长期总需求,那么经济变化对短期总需求有些什么影响呢?
NO.PZ2016010801000129 The prilevel anreG will crease. Only G will increase. A is correct. There is a movement along the short-run aggregate supply curve, whiincrease the prilevel anreG the same time. 考点总需求 解析短期总需求的提高,会同时提高价格水平和实际G产量。题且只说了a右移动,未说las怎么变
请问老师我以下思路错在哪里 aggregate manincrease,根据A线,则price下降,在SRAS的曲线上move along,则price和reg都下降。
题目里说的是long-run full-employment equilibrium,LRAS线应该是一条垂直的线吧,那么A向右SHIFT是不是只影响价格,而不影响G