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王思祺 · 2019年08月14日









老师您好 还是不太懂 为什么预付款prepaid expense在算for supplier时候就不减去 ,而unearned revenue在算for customer时候就要加上?同理,如果给了供应商预付款,应该减去的啊。。。。。

1 个答案

Olive_品职助教 · 2019年08月15日

同学你好,prepaid expense一般指预先支付的水电费这一类operating expense,所以在计算 operating expenses paid 中才会用到,它不影响支付给供应商的钱。 计算cash paid to suppliers是要考虑跟存货有关的支出,prepaid expense和存货没有关系,我们看存货是看AP,这个是和供应商有关系的会计科目 。unearned revenue指的是收到的客户的钱,所以跟cash received from customers是直接关联的,计算的时候要考虑。加油!

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NO.PZ2017102901000037问题如下 The following information is extractefrom Sweetfall Incorporates financistatements.The amount of cash Sweetfall Inpaito suppliers is: A.$25,700.B.$26,702.C.$27,826 A is correct. The amount of cash paito suppliers is calculatefollows:= Cost of goo sol– crease in inventory – Increase in accounts payable= $27,264 – $501 – $1,063= $25,700. 为什么不用加上preciation

2023-05-06 21:12 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000037问题如下 The following information is extractefrom Sweetfall Incorporates financistatements.The amount of cash Sweetfall Inpaito suppliers is: A.$25,700.B.$26,702.C.$27,826 A is correct. The amount of cash paito suppliers is calculatefollows:= Cost of goo sol– crease in inventory – Increase in accounts payable= $27,264 – $501 – $1,063= $25,700. prepaiexpense为什么不算在内呢

2023-02-13 22:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000037 问题如下 The following information is extractefrom Sweetfall Incorporates financistatements.The amount of cash Sweetfall Inpaito suppliers is: A.$25,700. B.$26,702. C.$27,826 A is correct. The amount of cash paito suppliers is calculatefollows:= Cost of goo sol– crease in inventory – Increase in accounts payable= $27,264 – $501 – $1,063= $25,700. 如题

2023-01-30 20:02 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000037 问题如下 The following information is extractefrom Sweetfall Incorporates financistatements.The amount of cash Sweetfall Inpaito suppliers is: A.$25,700. B.$26,702. C.$27,826 A is correct. The amount of cash paito suppliers is calculatefollows:= Cost of goo sol– crease in inventory – Increase in accounts payable= $27,264 – $501 – $1,063= $25,700. 怎么答案是A,应该是B吧,=-COGS-δInv.+δA/P才对啊那应该是=-27264-(-501)+1063.怎么老是这种数学错误啊

2022-10-26 16:32 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017102901000037 问题如下 The following information is extractefrom Sweetfall Incorporates financistatements.The amount of cash Sweetfall Inpaito suppliers is: A.$25,700. B.$26,702. C.$27,826 A is correct. The amount of cash paito suppliers is calculatefollows:= Cost of goo sol– crease in inventory – Increase in accounts payable= $27,264 – $501 – $1,063= $25,700. preciation expenses 在这道题中为何不用考虑呢

2022-08-13 17:10 2 · 回答