包包_品职助教 · 2019年06月08日
同学你好,这两道题目都涉及到了ROS的内容,ROS这部分内容今年在考纲中已经删掉了。所以这个case 就不用做了。这两道题目我还是稍微解释下,对于这道题目,原文中说LeCompte’s compensation at Topaz includes an annual salary plus a bonus based on both the accuracy of her recommendations over time and the overall profitability of the group. Topaz makes public disclosure of the extent to which research analyst compensation in general is dependent upon the firm’s investment banking revenues, 首先有部分是group 的profitability这个并不违背,只有不与投行部门的profit 直接相关就好。另外原文说是批露了具体哪个研究员的薪酬denpend 投行销售收入以及dpend 的程度,并不表示L的新薪酬是depend 投行的