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占个座儿 · 2019年06月05日

问一道题:NO.PZ201809170400000207 第7小题

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为什么multiplier要选择S&P500 E-mini?

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年06月06日

因为答案里面问的是S&P500 E-mini, 这道题就是答案问什么你就算什么就好了。

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NO.PZ201809170400000207 问题如下 In preparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately: buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts. sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts. buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts. C is correct. The amount of the performanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to investepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong. Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulallocateto US equity exposure using the S&P 500 E-mini contract, whitras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S&P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 × 50). The correnumber of futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00. Therefore, Tong will buy seven S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 两个点不明白1.He believes ththe US equity market is likely to increase ring this timeframe. To take aantage of Winthrop’s market outlook我理解为他看好 US equity ,不应该只投US equity,为什么还要从组合考虑乘以15%?2.用哪个futures是因为给的都是mini,所以只算mini 的算吗?

2024-06-30 21:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000207 问题如下 In preparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately: buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts. sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts. buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts. C is correct. The amount of the performanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to investepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong. Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulallocateto US equity exposure using the S&P 500 E-mini contract, whitras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S&P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 × 50). The correnumber of futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00. Therefore, Tong will buy seven S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 奖金的所有数额不能用来买E-mini 的futures contract吗? 为什么要用奖金*15% 去投资E-MINI 的futures contracts呢?

2023-05-01 17:31 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000207 问题如下 In preparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately: buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts. sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts. buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts. C is correct. The amount of the performanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to investepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong. Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulallocateto US equity exposure using the S&P 500 E-mini contract, whitras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S&P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 × 50). The correnumber of futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00. Therefore, Tong will buy seven S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 老师请问这里buy, sell是看正负号吗?还是应该如何判断呢?万一出现中同时出现sell 7 futures,和buy 7 futures,该如何区分呢?

2022-12-22 16:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201809170400000207问题如下 In preparation for receipt of the performanbonus, Tong shoulimmeately: buy two US E-mini equity futures contracts. sell nine US E-mini equity futures contracts. buy seven US E-mini equity futures contracts. C is correct. The amount of the performanbonus thwill receivein one month (US,750,000) nee to investepassively baseupon the strategic allocation recommenTong. Using the strategic allocation of the portfolio, 15% (US62,500.00) shoulallocateto US equity exposure using the S&P 500 E-mini contract, whitras in US llars. Because the futures priis 2,464.29 anthe S&P 500 E-mini multiplier is 50, the contraunit value is US23,214.50 (2,464.29 × 50). The correnumber of futures contracts is (5,750,000.00 × 0.15)/123,214.50 = 7.00. Therefore, Tong will buy seven S&P 500 E-mini futures contracts. 这个 multiplier代表的是什么含义

2022-04-08 18:35 1 · 回答


2022-01-10 15:54 1 · 回答