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doubletruelibra · 2019年06月01日

问一道题:NO.PZ201601200500000804 第4小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干

老师,这道题的解题思路是,先不考虑option, 现金流按high 和low两种情形的expectation 计算。然后 option的value 单独计算,即以t=1时刻开始的现金流-190, 40,40... (high) 以及 -190,20,20…(low) ,选择行权后折线到t=0 时刻 求出 option 的价值。再把两者相加求出含权NPV

对比基础课的紧挨着的另一道abandon option 例题,为什么不能采取类似的思路,直接求 abandon option 的NPV 呢?就是用行权与否两种情况的现金流(行权-700,0,0) 与 不行权 (0,600,600),两个情形求期望求出 求t=1 时刻的NPV 再折现到t=0 时刻,这样求得的结果等于 这题中的abandon option 的NPV 吗?为什么那道题目中要用含权NPV 减去不含权NPV 得到 option NPV 呢?哇的思路哪里错了呢?盼复,多谢!







1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年06月02日


chevalier913 · 2020年03月14日


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NO.PZ201601200500000804 请问行权的时候不就是最优价值了吗?为什么最后还要加上没有option的原始NPV呢?谢谢!

2021-10-23 10:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500000804 12.68. 31.03. B is correct. Assume we are time = 1. The NPV of the expansion (time 1) if manis \"high\" is NPV=−190+∑t=19401.10t=C$40.361millionNPV=-190+\sum_{t=1}^9\frac{40}{1.10^t}=C\$40.361millionNPV=−190+∑t=19​1.10t40​=C$40.361million The NPV of the expansion (time 1) if manis \"low\" is NPV=−190+∑t=19201.10t=‐C$74.820millionNPV=-190+\sum_{t=1}^9\frac{20}{1.10^t}=‐C\$74.820millionNPV=−190+∑t=19​1.10t20​=‐C$74.820million The optimcision is to expanif manis \"high\" annot expanif \"low.\" Because the expansion option is exerciseonly when its value is positive, whihappens 50 percent of the time, the expectevalue of the expansion project, time zero, is NPV=11.100.50(40.361)=C$18.346millionNPV=\frac1{1.10}0.50(40.361)=C\$18.346millionNPV=1.101​0.50(40.361)=C$18.346million The totNPV of the initiprojeanthe expansion projeis NPV = –C$5.663 million + C$18.346 million = C$12.683 million The optionexpansion project, haneoptimally, as sufficient value to make this a positive NPV project.请问老师,40/1.1^t t=9,这个计算器怎么按啊?还是要一个一个按,按9个?

2021-07-29 16:45 2 · 回答

NO.PZ201601200500000804 12.68. 31.03. B is correct. Assume we are time = 1. The NPV of the expansion (time 1) if manis \"high\" is NPV=−190+∑t=19401.10t=C$40.361millionNPV=-190+\sum_{t=1}^9\frac{40}{1.10^t}=C\$40.361millionNPV=−190+∑t=19​1.10t40​=C$40.361million The NPV of the expansion (time 1) if manis \"low\" is NPV=−190+∑t=19201.10t=‐C$74.820millionNPV=-190+\sum_{t=1}^9\frac{20}{1.10^t}=‐C\$74.820millionNPV=−190+∑t=19​1.10t20​=‐C$74.820million The optimcision is to expanif manis \"high\" annot expanif \"low.\" Because the expansion option is exerciseonly when its value is positive, whihappens 50 percent of the time, the expectevalue of the expansion project, time zero, is NPV=11.100.50(40.361)=C$18.346millionNPV=\frac1{1.10}0.50(40.361)=C\$18.346millionNPV=1.101​0.50(40.361)=C$18.346million The totNPV of the initiprojeanthe expansion projeis NPV = –C$5.663 million + C$18.346 million = C$12.683 million The optionexpansion project, haneoptimally, as sufficient value to make this a positive NPV project.为何不是在0时刻看,有两种情况 需求低,只投了190,不追加投资,npv为负 追加投资190,需求高,npv为正然后将两种情况各0.5加权求和?现在答案只考虑了第二种情况加权0.5,为何不第一种情况也加权0.5加在一起呢

2021-04-17 16:10 1 · 回答


2020-06-04 11:09 1 · 回答

12.68. 31.03. B is correct. Assume we are time = 1. The NPV of the expansion (time 1) if manis \"high\" is NPV=−190+∑t=19401.10t=C$40.361millionNPV=-190+\sum_{t=1}^9\frac{40}{1.10^t}=C\$40.361millionNPV=−190+∑t=19​1.10t40​=C$40.361million The NPV of the expansion (time 1) if manis \"low\" is NPV=−190+∑t=19201.10t=‐C$74.820millionNPV=-190+\sum_{t=1}^9\frac{20}{1.10^t}=‐C\$74.820millionNPV=−190+∑t=19​1.10t20​=‐C$74.820million The optimcision is to expanif manis \"high\" annot expanif \"low.\" Because the expansion option is exerciseonly when its value is positive, whihappens 50 percent of the time, the expectevalue of the expansion project, time zero, is NPV=11.100.50(40.361)=C$18.346millionNPV=\frac1{1.10}0.50(40.361)=C\$18.346millionNPV=1.101​0.50(40.361)=C$18.346million The totNPV of the initiprojeanthe expansion projeis NPV = –C$5.663 million + C$18.346 million = C$12.683 million The optionexpansion project, haneoptimally, as sufficient value to make this a positive NPV project.扩张项目的PVCF1已经得出,为什么折现一期的PV就是NPV?能不能用老师说的画图作差法再一下?

2020-03-30 06:03 1 · 回答