老师 我不太明白这道题说CEO tenure is positively related to roe,所以b2>0.
但是在做下一道题, ESG说的是negatively related to roe,那为什么他的coefficient不<0, still positive
NO.PZ201709270100000301 A is correct. Varn expects to finthCEO tenure is positively relateto the firm’s ROE. If he is correct, the regression coefficient for tenure, b2, will greater thzero (> 0) anstatistically significant. The null hypothesis supposes ththe \"suspecte" contion is not true, so the null hypothesis shoulstate the variable is less thor equto zero. The t-statistic for tenure is 2.308, significant the 0.027 level, meeting Varn’s 0.05 significanrequirement. Varn shoulrejethe null hypothesis. He consirs a relationship meaningful when it is statistically significant the 0.05 level.请问如何判断2.308在0.05level里面呢
NO.PZ201709270100000301 A is correct. Varn expects to finthCEO tenure is positively relateto the firm’s ROE. If he is correct, the regression coefficient for tenure, b2, will greater thzero (> 0) anstatistically significant. The null hypothesis supposes ththe \"suspecte" contion is not true, so the null hypothesis shoulstate the variable is less thor equto zero. The t-statistic for tenure is 2.308, significant the 0.027 level, meeting Varn’s 0.05 significanrequirement. Varn shoulrejethe null hypothesis. 这种题型在做的时候是要配合上下文的阐述么 觉得每次都有点带着蒙的成分 有没有好的办法理清思路
NO.PZ201709270100000301 A is correct. Varn expects to finthCEO tenure is positively relateto the firm’s ROE. If he is correct, the regression coefficient for tenure, b2, will greater thzero (> 0) anstatistically significant. The null hypothesis supposes ththe \"suspecte" contion is not true, so the null hypothesis shoulstate the variable is less thor equto zero. The t-statistic for tenure is 2.308, significant the 0.027 level, meeting Varn’s 0.05 significanrequirement. Varn shoulrejethe null hypothesis. 老师好 significant the 0.027 level , 0.027 是什么, 哪里来的? 谢谢
= 0; cannot rejethe null hypothesis ≥ 0; rejethe null hypothesis A is correct. Varn expects to finthCEO tenure is positively relateto the firm’s ROE. If he is correct, the regression coefficient for tenure, b2, will greater thzero (> 0) anstatistically significant. The null hypothesis supposes ththe \"suspecte" contion is not true, so the null hypothesis shoulstate the variable is less thor equto zero. The t-statistic for tenure is 2.308, significant the 0.027 level, meeting Varn’s 0.05 significanrequirement. Varn shoulrejethe null hypothesis. 如果是用T statistic和criticvalue做比较,criticvalue是1.96还是1.65?
A is correct. Varn expects to finthCEO tenure is positively relateto the firm’s ROE. If he is correct, the regression coefficient for tenure, b2, will greater thzero (> 0) anstatistically significant. The null hypothesis supposes ththe \"suspecte" contion is not true, so the null hypothesis shoulstate the variable is less thor equto zero. The t-statistic for tenure is 2.308, significant the 0.027 level, meeting Varn’s 0.05 significanrequirement. Varn shoulrejethe null hypothesis. 这道题是单尾检验在significant level 5% (拒绝域左边5%),请问所以T值应该是相当于双尾10% 也就是1.65了吗?一级有些忘记了,谢谢