NO.PZ2015112003000014 老师,想问请问一下,T账户的话,只有取出钱的时候要交税,税率为30% TEA是把钱放入这个账户要交税,取出来不用交税,税率为40% 那么,我们把钱放入账户,后期通过投资收益,我们的钱会越来越多,那么,如果是取出来交税的话,那不是取出来交税的tax更多吗? 那我们不是应该选择TEA吗,就是把钱放入这个账户要交税,更划算
NO.PZ2015112003000014 Tax-exempt. The choices are the same. A is correct. The future accumulation of the T is (1 + r)n(1 − 0.30), wherethe future accumulation of the tax-exempt account is (1 + r)n(1−0.40). Therefore, the T will accumulate more wealth.这道题没读太明白,是说每年存钱进帐户的时候,2种情况都不用交税吗?只有取钱的时候税率不同?谢谢!
NO.PZ2015112003000014 Tax-exempt. The choices are the same. A is correct. The future accumulation of the T is (1 + r)n(1 − 0.30), wherethe future accumulation of the tax-exempt account is (1 + r)n(1−0.40). Therefore, the T will accumulate more wealth.看了前面的提问,助教的回答我更困惑了。 texempt 应该(1+0.6*R)^N ,为什么会等于 (1+R)^N* 0.6?
Tax-exempt. The choices are the same. A is correct. The future accumulation of the T is (1 + r)n(1 − 0.30), wherethe future accumulation of the tax-exempt account is (1 + r)n(1−0.40). Therefore, the T will accumulate more wealth.关于tea还是有点问题。这个题目也没说是已经在portfolio里面的钱,我怎么都觉得tea不该是1+r,因为这个1应该是1x(1-0。4),毕竟这个钱是要交ornary income tax的。或者是第二个公式是化简后的,我没有看出来?还是希望老师给说说。谢谢老师!
Tax-exempt. The choices are the same. A is correct. The future accumulation of the T is (1 + r)n(1 − 0.30), wherethe future accumulation of the tax-exempt account is (1 + r)n(1−0.40). Therefore, the T will accumulate more wealth.如果从早交税不如晚交税的角度看,是不是即使税率一样也应该选T?