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施宏斌 · 2019年05月13日

Reading 36 原版书 习题13题


  • B is correct. Effective duration indicates the sensitivity of a bond’s price to a 100 bps parallel shift of the benchmark yield curve assuming no change in the bond’s credit spread. The effective duration of an option-free bond such as Bond #3 changes very little in response to interest rate movements. As interest rates rise, a call option moves out of the money, which increases the value of the callable bond and lengthens its effective duration. In contrast, as interest rates rise, a put option moves into the money, which limits the price depreciation of the putable bond and shortens its effective duration. Thus, the bond whose effective duration will lengthen if interest rates rise is the callable bond, i.e., Bond #4.

(Institute 195)

Institute, CFA. 2019 CFA Program Curriculum Level II Volume 5. CFA Institute, 5/2018. VitalBook file.

关于答案中这个部分 ,对于这部分描述 不是很理解, 为什么Out of Money ,ED加长 ,是可以理解成为“赎回时间更长了的所以定性理解?

As interest rates rise, a call option moves out of the money, which increases the value of the callable bond and lengthens its effective duration.

2 个答案

施宏斌 · 2019年05月13日

我是我可以那么想象, 可是如果这个债券是 Out of Money 到时候, 本来就不会提前赎回,所以如果进一步利率上升,我到理解,这个ED不会变长

吴昊_品职助教 · 2019年05月13日


吴昊_品职助教 · 2019年05月13日

其实是callable bond的自身对比。当利率下降的时候,债券发行人会提前赎回债券,导致平均还款期变短,因此ED变小;相反,当利率上升的时候,债券发行人不会提前赎回债券,和提前赎回相比,平均还款期更长,因此ED变大。

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