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ss_liu · 2019年05月06日









这道题目怎么理解 谢谢

1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2019年05月07日

这道题就是考eurobond的性质。A选项:不记名债券;B选项:记名债券;C选项:受到更多管制。大部分的Eurobond都是不记名债券,而且相比domestic bond和foreign bond来说受到的管制更少。因此选A。


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NO.PZ2016031001000009问题如下 Relative to mestic anforeign bon, Eurobon are most likely to be:A.bearer bon.B.registerebon.C.subjeto greater regulation. B is correct.B is correbecause Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (historically were bearer bon but now registerebon). A is incorrect. Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (for whiownership is recoreither name or serinumber), not bearer bon (i.e., bon for whithe trustee es not keep recor of ownership). Similarly, mestic anforeign bon are typically registerebon. C is incorrebecause Eurobon are typically subjeto lower, not greater, regulation thmestic anforeign bon.考点eurobon析A不记名债券;B记名债券;C受到更多管制。以前大部分的Eurobon是不记名债券,现在大部分的Eurobon记名债券,而且相比mestic bonforeign bon说受到的管制更少,故B正确。 a是不记名债券,那记名债券的表述是什么呢

2023-10-17 09:04 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000009问题如下Relative to mestic anforeign bon, Eurobon are most likely to be:A.bearer bon.B.registerebon.C.subjeto greater regulation. B is correct.B is correbecause Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (historically were bearer bon but now registerebon). A is incorrect. Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (for whiownership is recoreither name or serinumber), not bearer bon (i.e., bon for whithe trustee es not keep recor of ownership). Similarly, mestic anforeign bon are typically registerebon. C is incorrebecause Eurobon are typically subjeto lower, not greater, regulation thmestic anforeign bon.考点eurobon析A不记名债券;B记名债券;C受到更多管制。以前大部分的Eurobon是不记名债券,现在大部分的Eurobon记名债券,而且相比mestic bonforeign bon说受到的管制更少,故B正确。 老师好。mestic anforeign bon是不是都是记名的?难道eurobon名的更多?

2023-02-17 19:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000009 问题如下 Relative to mestic anforeign bon, Eurobon are most likely to be: A.bearer bon. B.registerebon. C.subjeto greater regulation. B is correct.B is correbecause Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (historically were bearer bon but now registerebon). A is incorrect. Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (for whiownership is recoreither name or serinumber), not bearer bon (i.e., bon for whithe trustee es not keep recor of ownership). Similarly, mestic anforeign bon are typically registerebon. C is incorrebecause Eurobon are typically subjeto lower, not greater, regulation thmestic anforeign bon.考点eurobon析A不记名债券;B记名债券;C受到更多管制。以前大部分的Eurobon是不记名债券,现在大部分的Eurobon记名债券,而且相比mestic bonforeign bon说受到的管制更少,故B正确。 讲义上不是说大部分的eurobon 是不记名的?“现在大部分eurobon是记名的”是common sense 还是原版书中的内容但是没有放在讲义中的呢?

2022-10-18 00:25 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000009问题如下Relative to mestic anforeign bon, Eurobon are most likely to be:A.bearer bon.B.registerebon.C.subjeto greater regulation. B is correct.B is correbecause Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (historically were bearer bon but now registerebon). A is incorrect. Eurobon are typically issueregisterebon (for whiownership is recoreither name or serinumber), not bearer bon (i.e., bon for whithe trustee es not keep recor of ownership). Similarly, mestic anforeign bon are typically registerebon. C is incorrebecause Eurobon are typically subjeto lower, not greater, regulation thmestic anforeign bon.考点eurobon析A不记名债券;B记名债券;C受到更多管制。以前大部分的Eurobon是不记名债券,现在大部分的Eurobon记名债券,而且相比mestic bonforeign bon说受到的管制更少,故B正确。 我理解Eurobonmestic,foreign bon比,那么应该选Eurobon有的。所以即使勘误了,感觉表述上还是不太合理……

2022-08-01 22:56 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016031001000009 额。。。助教老师的是Euroban是bearer bon所以选我选的A,答案说错的,应该选B registerebon这明显答案错了吧

2022-01-24 21:35 1 · 回答