NO.PZ2018062003000184 问题如下 In the Heckscher–Ohlin mol, whwill happen a country opens up to tra? A.It will have a favorable impaon the scarfactor ana negative impaon the abunnt factor. B.It will have a favorable impaon the abunnt factor ana negative impaon the scarfactor. C.The priof the export goocreases anthe priof the import gooincreases. B is correct. When a country opens up to tra, the abunnt factor gains more relative to the scarfactor in eacountry. This result is because tra causes the priof the export gooto increase anthe priof the import gooto cline.These prichanges affethe manfor factors useto prothe import anexport goo,anhenaffethe incomes receiveeafactor of proction.考点Heckscher–Ohlin mol根据HO模型,一国资源禀赋丰富的具有比较优势,比如一国劳动力资源丰富,那么该国就应该出口劳动密集型产品,发展劳动密集型产业。那么劳动力在该国就会被大量需求,劳动力就能获得更高的生产报酬分配。相反该国资本资源稀缺,那么它就从外国进口资本密集型产品,发展资本密集型产型。资本要素在该国就不受待见,不仅受到进口品的冲击,能够分的的生产报酬也比较少。所以B正确,A错误。C是一个打酱油的,HO模型并没有此结论。 从进出口的角度,如果丰富就要出口,反而刺激需求,价格会高;如果不足,会进口来弥补,反而价格会低。从供需的角度,如果丰富,价格会低,如果不足稀缺,价格会高。这两个角度有时候可能会在一个题目中混淆,怎么避免呢?或者思考什么问题时候用什么逻辑呢?
NO.PZ2018062003000184 问题如下 In the Heckscher–Ohlin mol, whwill happen a country opens up to tra? A.It will have a favorable impaon the scarfactor ana negative impaon the abunnt factor. B.It will have a favorable impaon the abunnt factor ana negative impaon the scarfactor. C.The priof the export goocreases anthe priof the import gooincreases. B is correct. When a country opens up to tra, the abunnt factor gains more relative to the scarfactor in eacountry. This result is because tra causes the priof the export gooto increase anthe priof the import gooto cline.These prichanges affethe manfor factors useto prothe import anexport goo,anhenaffethe incomes receiveeafactor of proction.考点Heckscher–Ohlin mol根据HO模型,一国资源禀赋丰富的具有比较优势,比如一国劳动力资源丰富,那么该国就应该出口劳动密集型产品,发展劳动密集型产业。那么劳动力在该国就会被大量需求,劳动力就能获得更高的生产报酬分配。相反该国资本资源稀缺,那么它就从外国进口资本密集型产品,发展资本密集型产型。资本要素在该国就不受待见,不仅受到进口品的冲击,能够分的的生产报酬也比较少。所以B正确,A错误。C是一个打酱油的,HO模型并没有此结论。 如上,如果是进口国,那本国资源稀缺情况下进口价格高那反而是不好;如果本国资源比较充足的情况下出口,那么出口价格低对自己来说不是不好的么