NO.PZ2016010801000088 问题如下 The policymaker of Country M cis to increase the government spenng antaxes the same amount anthe same time. The aggregate manof Country M is most likely to: A.crease. B.keep constant. C.increase. C is correct. The balancebuet multiplier is positive e to a higher government spenng multiplier thtmultiplier. Although the amount of government spenng is the same taxes, the net effeon aggregate manis positive. 考点乘数效应解析尽管政府支出与税收相同,但是由于政府支出乘数高于税收乘数,因此平衡预算乘数为正,所以对总需求的净影响是正的。 政府针对现实情况做出的反应会有滞后性呀,而inretax不是一旦增加一点点就马上起作用吗?所以说现实中是就算有滞后性,但是由于FiscMultiplier的放大作用,政府支出对于G的作用要强于Tax?
NO.PZ2016010801000088问题如下The policymaker of Country M cis to increase the government spenng antaxes the same amount anthe same time. The aggregate manof Country M is most likely to:A.crease.B.keep constant.C.increase. C is correct. The balancebuet multiplier is positive e to a higher government spenng multiplier thtmultiplier. Although the amount of government spenng is the same taxes, the net effeon aggregate manis positive. 考点乘数效应解析尽管政府支出与税收相同,但是由于政府支出乘数高于税收乘数,因此平衡预算乘数为正,所以对总需求的净影响是正的。 请问政府增加spenng和加税是反向操作吧?前者增加需求,后者降低需求?
NO.PZ2016010801000088 这题还适用于2022年考纲吗?如果适用,请老师指出这个知识点在原本书的位置,因为讲义上没有提到这个知识点,谢谢。
增加支出或者增税是怎么影响到aggregate man呢?