NO.PZ2016010801000046 问题如下 Whiof the following is not a correapproato calculate G for a given country within a given time? A.Sum the market value of all purchases ansales occurrein the country in thperioof time. B.Sum the market value of all fingoo anservices procein the country in thperioof time. C.Sum all the income earnehousehol, companies, angovernment in the country in thperioof time. A is correct.G cmeasurewith expenture approa(anincome approa(C). The summation of market value of all purchases ansales will uble account those sales of intermeate goo.考点G核算解析国内生产总值可以用支出法和收入法来衡量,B和C正确。但是如果把所有购进和销售的市场价值加总,就会使这些中间产品的销售重复计算。所以A的说法错误。 收入法计算g总共已经学了三个公式,包括Y=G;Y=N+CFC=误差项;Y=C+S+T,他们之间的区别是什么,为什么有的要考虑折旧有的不考虑
NO.PZ2016010801000046 问题如下 Whiof the following is not a correapproato calculate G for a given country within a given time? A.Sum the market value of all purchases ansales occurrein the country in thperioof time. B.Sum the market value of all fingoo anservices procein the country in thperioof time. C.Sum all the income earnehousehol, companies, angovernment in the country in thperioof time. A is correct.G cmeasurewith expenture approa(anincome approa(C). The summation of market value of all purchases ansales will uble account those sales of intermeate goo.考点G核算解析国内生产总值可以用支出法和收入法来衡量,B和C正确。但是如果把所有购进和销售的市场价值加总,就会使这些中间产品的销售重复计算。所以A的说法错误。 为啥不选A
NO.PZ2016010801000046 Sum the market value of all fingoo anservices procein the country in thperioof time. Sum all the income earnehousehol, companies, angovernment in the country in thperioof time. A is correct. G cmeasurewith expenture approa(anincome approa(C). The summation of market value of all purchases ansales will uble account those sales of intermeate goo. 考点G核算 解析国内生产总值可以用支出法和收入法来衡量,B和C正确。 但是如果把所有购进和销售的市场价值加总,就会使这些中间产品的销售重复计算。所以A的说法错误。在按收入法计算G时,需要考虑折旧CFC吗