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我们都爱吃锅巴 · 2019年05月01日

为什么不选C?问一道题:NO.PZ2018123101000043 [ CFA II ]

C说反转了,而且C的forward  rate大于spot rate. A选项说等于spot rate.问题如下图:






1 个答案

吴昊_品职助教 · 2019年05月02日

active Management的应用,比较的是future spot rate和forward rate之间的大小。forward rate是可以由spot rate推导出的,可以看成是隐含在即期利率中的。future spot rate是到了将来某一个时间点,市场上真正的spot rate。

C选项:如果future spot rate低于forward rate,也就是预期spot rate较小,换句话说现在的折现率(当前的forward rate)更大,得到的债券价格更低,当前的债券价格是被低估的。题目要我们选出fairly valued债券,因此不能选C。

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NO.PZ2018123101000043 问题如下 Exhibit 1 shows the current government spot rates for Countries anC.Tyo presents her market views on the respective yielcurves for a five-yeinvestment horizon.Country -The government yielcurve hchangelittle in terms of its level anshape ring the last few years, anI expethis trento continue. We assume thfuture spot rates reflethe current forwarcurve for all maturities.-Country -Because of recent economic tren, I expea reversin the slope of the current yielcurve. We assume thfuture spot rates will higher thcurrent forwarrates for all maturities.-Country -To improve liquity, Country C’s centrbank is expecteto intervene, leang to a reversin the slope of the existing yielcurve. We assume thfuture spot rates will lower thtoy’s forwarrates for all maturities.-Baseon Exhibit 1 anTyo’s expectations for the yielcurves, Tyo most likely perceives the bon of whicountry to fairly value Country Country Country A is correct.考点ForwarCurve: ForwarPricing Mol解析对于A国收益率曲线的变动,Tyo预测未来的spot rate,即Future spot rate等于现在时刻的Forwarrate。即未来的利率将会实现当前时刻的Forwarrate。这一预期意味着A国的债券估值合理,因为当前市场,对债券未来现金流使用的折现率,与Tyo预期的折现率一致,因此债券价格定价合理。B和C不正确,因为Tyo对两个国家的spot rate曲线的预期与当前时刻反映的Forwarrate不同。对于B国,她预计未来的Spot rate,即Future spot rate将高于当前市场用来折现债券现金流的Forwarrate,因此在Tyo眼中,当前的债券价格使用了过低的折现率,债券价格是被高估的。对于C国,她预计未来的Spot rate将低于当前forwarrate;因此,她认为C国债券市场当前使用了过大的折现率,因此C国债券被低估。 题目中的三个结论都是什么意思,想表达什么呢?为啥选择a 不懂。

2023-08-19 10:45 2 · 回答


2019-03-25 21:57 1 · 回答

请问老师,future spot rate 和forwarrate 的关系是怎样的?

2019-01-23 14:48 1 · 回答