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小黑龙 · 2019年04月28日

为什么不选a?问一道题:NO.PZ2016040301000027 [ CFA II ]






这道题为什么不选a? 解释:

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年04月29日

同学你好,这道题目主要是想问是说S同学发布了职位之后,哪些人可以接受这个职位和奖励。A选项说S同学发布这个奖励本身就是违反standards的,所以no menber or candicates 可以接受这个职位。其实S同学发布这个奖励并没有违反规定,对于一些本身已经离职的人,他是可以接受这个职位的。但是对一些在职的人,为了拿到奖励,他可能就会带自己目前的客户过去,这就违反了对自己雇主的忠诚。

徐威廉 · 2020年08月30日


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A member or cante mnot accept employment with the new firm because Jackman’s incentive offer violates the Co anStanr. A member or cante is not eligible for the new position unless he or she is currently unemployebecause soliciting the clients of the member’s or cante’s current employer is prohibite C is correct. Answer StanrIV(–Loyalty scusses activities permissible to members ancantes when they are leaving their current employer; soliciting clients is strictly prohibite Thus, answer A is inconsistent with the Co anStanr even with the requiresclosure. Answer B is incorrebecause the offer es not rectly violate the Co anStanr. There mout-of-work members ancantes who carrange the necessary commitments without violating the Co anStanr. 看了解析,感觉A没有错啊?

2020-08-30 14:38 1 · 回答

A member or cante mnot accept employment with the new firm because Jackman’s incentive offer violates the Co anStanr. A member or cante is not eligible for the new position unless he or she is currently unemployebecause soliciting the clients of the member’s or cante’s current employer is prohibite C is correct. Answer StanrIV(–Loyalty scusses activities permissible to members ancantes when they are leaving their current employer; soliciting clients is strictly prohibite Thus, answer A is inconsistent with the Co anStanr even with the requiresclosure. Answer B is incorrebecause the offer es not rectly violate the Co anStanr. There mout-of-work members ancantes who carrange the necessary commitments without violating the Co anStanr. C能不能翻译一下?

2020-03-26 04:39 1 · 回答

    请问A说如果member披露了incentive fee,就可以带客户。这是正确的吧?看了你的其他答案,这个从哪里能得知member是从现在的公司带客户去呢?current client只是说现在有聘任关系的客户,没有说是现任公司的current clients呀

2019-06-01 14:30 1 · 回答

    老师您好,请问这道题和Jackman自己是在职还是离职有关系么?是不是离职前也就是还在原雇主这里就不能solicit clients,离职后就可以solicit clients了?

2019-04-30 10:40 1 · 回答