NO.PZ2016070202000030 问题如下 Whis the main reason why convertible bon are generally issuewith a call? A.To make their analysis less easy for investors B.To proteagainst unwantetakeover bi C.To reration To forconversion if in-the-money is correct. Companies issue convertible bon because the coupon is lower thfor regulbon. In aition, these bon are callable in orr to forconversion into the stoa favorable ratio. In the previous question, for instance, conversion woulprovi equity capitto the firm the priof $40, while the market priis $45. 请问这道题的考点在哪里啊?哪个章节第几页呢?
NO.PZ2016070202000030问题如下Whis the main reason why convertible bon are generally issuewith a call? A.To make their analysis less easy for investors B.To proteagainst unwantetakeover bi C.To reration To forconversion if in-the-moneyis correct. Companies issue convertible bon because the coupon is lower thfor regulbon. In aition, these bon are callable in orr to forconversion into the stoa favorable ratio. In the previous question, for instance, conversion woulprovi equity capitto the firm the priof $40, while the market priis $45.请问老师这道题的考点在哪里,或者站在发行人的角度还是投资人的角度呢,还是不太明白为什么选择叙述的是正确的,但是并不能为什么可转债多数是Call吧,难道是因为Call对投资者有利,所以发行人多数选择Call的方式发行可转债?
NO.PZ2016070202000030 To proteagainst unwantetakeover bi To reration To forconversion if in-the-money is correct. Companies issue convertible bon because the coupon is lower thfor regulbon. In aition, these bon are callable in orr to forconversion into the stoa favorable ratio. In the previous question, for instance, conversion woulprovi equity capitto the firm the priof $40, while the market priis $45. 老师,B我的理解是,有投资者买大量可转债,再转换成股票,如果超过一定额度,比如50%,不就等于发行人被投资者收购了吗?这时候发行人有call的权利,把债券赎回,就可以阻止被收购,所以应该是对的?的force转换,在价内,投资者可以选择转也可以不转,不是一定要转吧?