选项B错在哪里? 正确的是否为:the information ratio becoming variant to the level of active risk
NO.PZ201710100100000405 问题如下 5. If Frazee aethe assumption he is consiring in FunW’s portfolio construction, it woulmost likely result in: A.a crease in the optimaggressiveness of the active strategy. B.the information ratio becoming invariant to the level of active risk. C.increase in the transfer of active return forecasts into active weights. A is correct.The new assumption as constraints to FunW. The IR for a constraineportfolio generally creases with the aggressiveness of the strategy because portfolio constraints rethe transfer of active return forecasts into active weights. Furthermore, the optimactive risk is given the following formula:sigmaA=TCIRSRBσBsigma_A=TC\frac{IR}{SR_B}\sigma_BsigmaA=TCSRBIRσBThe aition of portfolio constraints reces the Tthus also recing the optimactive risk. So, having maximum over- anunrweight constraints on single-country positions creases the optimaggressiveness of the active management strategy考点The full funmentlaw解析由于constraints的引入, optimamount of active risk 的公式变为sigmaA=TCIR∗SRBσBsigma_A=TC\frac{IR^\ast}{SR_B}\sigma_BsigmaA=TCSRBIR∗σB,也就是增加了TC项,增加限制条件导致TC 1,因此optimamount of active risk减小,A正确。B,错误。没有constraints时,IR不受aggressiveness的影响;但是增加限制条件使得基金经理实现自己想法的难度增加,因此IR会减小。C,错误,增加限制条件使得基金经理实现自己想法的难度增加,因此将预期的active return转为实际投资组合构建的程度下降,因此TC会减小。 老师,那是不是在有限制的情况下,information ratio 还是符合IR=active return/active risk,所以其实还是相关的?而且那个时候active risk是减小的,所以IR变大?唉?那不就不对了吗?IR不是在TF小于1,那IR不是变小吗?矛盾了。
老师,那个optimrisk公式右边也有个IR 如果更aggressive, TC减小, IR也减小,为啥就说等式左边的sigma就变小呢? 而且更aggressive, sigma不是变大么,风险和波动更大么不是?