higher financial leverage ratio 意味着avg A increases or avg E decreases,Assets多,偿债能力增强不对吗?
NO.PZ2018062018000082问题如下Whiof the following scripton of the company solvenratio is most accurate?A.If a company ha higher interest coverage ratio thbefore, the company's solvenis weaker.B.If a company ha higher financileverage ratio, its solvenis weaker.C.If a company ha higher interest coverage ratio thbefore, the company ha lower ability to cover its interest payments EBIT.B is correct. Lower Interest coverage ratio anhigh finanleverage ratio woulincate thsolvenis weak.a是衡量profitability吗
If a company ha higher financileverage ratio, its solvenis weaker. If a company ha higher interest coverage ratio thbefore, the company ha lower ability to cover its interest payments EBIT. B is correct. Lower Interest coverage ratio anhigh finanleverage ratio woulincate thsolvenis weak. 这道题看不懂,ratio类的题目怎么记得?