NO.PZ2016031001000014 问题如下 A 10-year, capital-inxebonlinketo the Consumer PriInx (CPI) is issuewith’a coupon rate of 6% ana pvalue of 1,000. The bonpays interest semi-annually. ring the first six months after the bons issuance, the CPI increases 2%. On the first coupon payment te, the bons: A.coupon rate increases to 8%. B.coupon payment is equto 40. C.principamount increases to 1,020. C is correct.Capital-inxebon pa fixecoupon rate this applieto a principamount thincreases in line with increases in the inx ring the bons life. If the consumer priinx increases 2%, the coupon rate remains unchange6%, but the principamount increases 2% anthe coupon payment is baseon the inflation austeprincipamount. On the first coupon payment te, the inflation-austeprincipamount is 1,000 × (1 + 0.02) = 1,020 anthe semi-annucoupon payment is equto (0.06 × 1,020) ÷ 2 = 30.60.考点capitinxebon析题干中说CPI increase 2%,那也就是说半年的时间内,CPI上升了2%。对于capitinxebon而言,此类债券票面利率保持不变,但票面价值根据通货膨胀进行调整。因此,通货膨胀调整后的面值=1000*(1+2%)=1020,故C正确。 感谢老师的解答!辛苦了!请问本题题干如果变为Interest Inxe在计算第一笔coupon payment时,1.是否计入CPI通胀(+2%)?2.需要考虑coupon rate reset的问题吗?如考虑,CPI通胀是否应从第二笔coupon payment再开始计入?(即第一笔不计入,因为通胀发生在第一次计息期间)
请问老师,floating-rate notes的coupon payment是按照前一阶段的interest rate计算,例如每年6月30号和12月31号支付利息,2010年1月1日买入,referenrate=2%,quotemsrgin=0.5%,6月30号referenrate变成2.2%,则6月30号的利息是按2%+0.5%计算,不是按2.2%+0.5%计算。请问为什么这道题capital-inxebon利息时不是按照前一阶段的本金$1000计算呢?谢谢!
老师你好,该题问的是first coupon payment te,所以是t=0.5时派息,那不是参考半年前即t=0时候的CPI吗,而CPI上升是发生在t=0.5,是不是呢?