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eee · 2019年04月01日

leveraged floating rate notes书后第三题

3. A company issues a leveraged floating-rate note with a face value of $5,000,000 that pays a coupon of 2.5 times Libor. The company plans to generate a profit by selling the notes, using the proceeds to purchase a bond with a fixed coupon rate of 7 percent a year, and hedging the risk by entering into an appropriate swap. A swap dealer provides a quote with a fixed rate of 6 percent and a floating rate of Libor. Discuss whether the company should enter into a swap involving paying fixed, receiving floating or paying floating, receiving fixed. Calculate the amount of the arbitrage profit the company can earn by entering into the appropriate swap. In your answer, indicate the cash flows generated at each step. Also explain what additional risk the company is taking on by doing the swap.

(Institute 407)


Because the company has a floating-rate obligation on the floating-rate note, it should enter into a swap involving receiving a floating rate. Accordingly, the appropriate swap to hedge the risk and earn a profit would be a pay-fixed, receive-floating swap. Let Libor be L. Cash flows generated at each step are as follows:

  1. Issue leveraged floating-rate notes and pay coupon =

    L(2.5)($5,000,000) = $12,500,000L

  2. Buy bonds with a face value = (2.5)($5,000,000) = $12,500,000

    Receive a coupon = (0.07)($12,500,000) = $875,000

  3. Enter into a pay-fixed, receive-floating swap:

    Pay = (0.06)(2.5)($5,000,000) = $750,000

    Receive = L(2.5)($5,000,000) = $12,500,000L

  4. Net cash flow = –$12,500,000L + $875,000 – $750,000 + $12,500,000L = $125,000

疑问:关于这个leveraged floating rate我还是不太理解,是不是这样的:一上来发行这个leveraged notes比如说融资100元,libor是1%,那么他实际支付利息是2.5%(2.5倍libor)即,2.5元,然后他购买一个固定利率债券,面值是250元,但价格是100元,收到固定利率7%,即17.5元,然后他又做了一个付固定收浮动的swap,名义本金250元?


1 个答案

企鹅_品职助教 · 2019年04月02日

“一上来发行这个leveraged notes比如说融资100元,libor是1%,那么他实际支付利息是2.5%(2.5倍libor)即,2.5元,然后他购买一个固定利率债券,面值是250元,但价格是100元,收到固定利率7%,即17.5元,然后他又做了一个付固定收浮动的swap,名义本金250元”







leveraged notes是给已经举债很多所以不能借太多钱,或者因为法律规定不能借太多钱的公司和机构一个增加杠杆的机会。它的本质就是给本金加杠杆,加在libor上的倍数相当于是加在本金上。



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